Update to Publishing Schedule & Free Book offer

Greetings readers!

We’re in the midst of an especially busy period here, so I’ll cover a few topics in this post. Most excitingly, we will be sending two fabulous new titles to the printer this week. Here they are, with just brief descriptions for now:

Magic Chess Moves is a fabulous exercise/puzzle book endorsed by David Navara, who expresses his enthusiasm for both the book and its author in his foreword. We tweaked the title and revamped the cover, taking advantage of Kallia’s design skills.

Beating the Queen’s Gambit – Indian Style! is the sister volume to Playing the Nimzo-Indian. What do you think of the title? Personally I love it (probably because it was my idea). The majority of the book is devoted to the position in the cover photo, which is clearly a Queen’s Gambit Declined – but of course, we are getting there via a 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 move order. Renier also offers great recommendations against all White’s other options after 1.d4 Nf6.

One week from today, I will be leaving for the Budapest Olympiad. I’m proud to announce that I’ve been selected to play on Board 1 for Scotland, for the fourth consecutive Olympiad. As Chief Editor at QC, my top priority will be ensuring that the above two books get sent away for printing before I leave. Second priority will be making sure my colleagues are well placed to keep advancing our other upcoming titles while I’m away.

Finally, the default free book in our web-shop offer will be Attacking the Spanish for September and October. Despite its age, this is still a cracking book with insightful explanations from our good friend Sabino Brunello. I have a particular soft spot for this title, as it was the first book I edited upon joining the company in 2009.

This post is long enough, so I won’t repeat the full details of the free-book offer. Most of you know the deal already; and if you don’t, simply go back a step and scroll down to see the most recent blog post on the topic, five posts below this one.

3 thoughts on “Update to Publishing Schedule & Free Book offer”

  1. In a previous post nearer the start of the year John Shaw mentioned that Quality chess will probably publish two other opening books besides Renier’s. And since then no new information come about. Could you please provide any new information about these books. Thank you.
    Also last week I received Woodpecker 2 and Reniers Nimzo book and they are fantastic. Thank you.

    Joseph Wilson.

  2. Joseph – thanks for the nice feedback.

    I was going to save the next bit of news for a special blog post, but have run out of time before the Olympiad, and it’s true that you’ve all been waiting a long time. So…

    The first of the opening books will be a concise but potent 1.e4 repertoire from Nikos Ntirlis. Loosely based on his Twitter ideas, but with lots of revisions and some lines completely replaced. It will be great.

    Nick – the excerpt will go up early next week. I have been working overtime this week (including nearly all of Sunday) to make sure MCM and BTQG-IS! got finished and sent for printing; as well as sending off digital files to our ebook partners. I haven’t had time to prepare excerpts, so am leaving it for Kostis to create them and Bimalka to get them up on the website.

    I’ll be in touch again in a few weeks after Budapest.

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