47 thoughts on “Until an employee that knows how to upload the catalogue returns from holiday, here is a 2023 Prediction Quiz…”

  1. Of course, but it was meant as an encouragement 😉

    All kidding aside, thank you for the work you put into this. It is a pleasure for mere mortals, who will never be grandmasters, to be able to read books of such variety and quality.

  2. Good evening Jacob,

    I hope you are well. Thank you for putting up this most interesting catalogue for 2023. I just wanted to ask if there is perhaps a loose publishing date for Niko’s new English book please? Defintely not before end of March 23, hopefully before end of June 23, that type of time frame will be a fine answer. I have his 1 e4 e5 and 1 d4 d5 books for black and I found them very enjoyable and instructive.

    Thank you for your time.

  3. Loads of good books on the way, as we have come to expect from Quality Chess. Really looking forward to the Georgy Lisitsin books and the Legends 2 book. Any update on Parimarjan Negi 6th book? His Grandmaster Repertoire series has been superb.

    Thanks for all your great work guys.

  4. I have a great interest in the Sveshnikov book, but is there any plans to follow it with a Anti-Sicilians repertoire? I know there is the Kotronias book, but it feels too theoritically heavy and generic as a companion to a “Playing” book.

  5. The book publication forecast is a very good thing.
    Besides, I have a question to see if there is someone who can answer me.
    In which country of the European Union (or Europe) are there more FIDE tournaments for all levels throughout the year?

  6. Daniel – we have no such plans at present. Kotronias did a great job and if you can handle the Sveshnikov, you will be fine with his Anti-Sicilian work. (As with all opening books, there’s no need to memorize all of it.)

  7. Playing 1.c4 recommends the following against Black’s main options:
    * 1…e5 2.Nc3, often but not always followed by g3
    * 1…c5 2.Nf3 with some combination of Nc3/g3/d4
    * 1…Nf6 2.Nf3 followed by a potent Anti-Grunfeld or Catalan with delayed d4

    Obviously there are many more details, but this gives a brief idea of the main pathways and shows how the repertoire differs from the Marin trilogy. Editing is well underway and we’ll announce a publication date in due course.

  8. Jacob Aagaard :
    @The Lurker
    At the moment we are a bit in the hope category. But I would really want to see the book done and out.

    Thanks for responding. I (and my OCD) really want to see the book done, too. I know some will balk at the thought of the 6th book being done by anyone else. But for the sake of “git ‘er done”, I think QC should seriously consider giving the job to someone other than Negi.

  9. Will definitely get the Spassky series, and Lilenthal book. Am usually not so enthusiastic about the classic range because of overlap with slightly different source material to well known books. The only other english language book on Lilenthal as been out of print sometime, and never got it.

  10. @The Doctor
    It’s a bit early to estimate the page count but hopefully not above 400 – the aim is to offer detailed coverage in the right places while keeping things more succinct where appropriate.

    By the way, I did a simul last night and couldn’t resist trying 1.c4 in some of the games. Obviously it’s not the same as a real tournament, but I think it’s a healthy sign that all the games were smooth wins involving maybe 7-8 moves of theory, followed by carrying out a well-defined Nikos plan which the opponents were unable to cope with.

  11. @Jose
    Yes, 1…f5 will be covered.
    Some complete games are presented, typically in the chapter introductions where Nikos discusses the general strategy White is aiming for. The chapter then proceeds to a theoretical section. The format is similar to his previous work “Playing 1.d4 d5.”

  12. Sounds great. I’m most curious about the approach to the King’s Indian (and to a lesser degree the pseudo-Grünfelds), but I’ll find out soon enough.

  13. regarding Ntirlis: how can u cover 1.c4 with just 400 pages? Avrukh did 4 volumes 1.d4 and Marin 3 volumes 1.c4 back then? I don’t expect detailed coverage as today’s theory has exploded. i’d have hoped for at least 2 volumes

  14. avrukh did quality+quantity. i have ntirlis books e4 e5 and d4 d5. each book could have been 100-150 pages longer, it was not as detailed as i’d like see, missing lots of options.

  15. Good afternoon Andrew,

    In the upcoming Playing The English can we hope for the Flohr-Mikenas to be covered, perhaps with the recently popular 4 cxd5 exd5 5 e5 being examined?

    Thank you.


  16. Regarding the length of the 1.c4 book, we will provide plenty of analytical detail where it is needed, while also avoiding getting bogged down trying to analyse every possible continuation. Many English variations involve thematic pawn structures with non-forcing, closed/semi-closed positions, so it’s quite feasible to cover a lot of ground by explaining the main plans. Nikos has done an excellent job at this.

    The Flohr-Mikenas is not part of this repertoire.

    As for timing, I will promise nothing other than editing the book to a high standard as soon as I can manage it. Further announcements will follow when we are ready.

  17. The moveorder will be 1.c4, Nf6 2. Nf3. Then the Flohr- Mikenas is not possible. Also we then know that it will be kid with Nf3, so maybe fianchetto, classical or makagonov.

  18. The early Nf3 might bring happiness to a hedgehog player (or to a QID player who isn’t attached to playing the light-squared bishop to a6 in the fianchetto variation), so it will be interesting to see the antidote to, say, 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nf3 b6.

  19. GM Ntirlis has released a course at KillerChessTraining on the English, which (if I understand correctly) is the basis for this upcoming book. If he hasn’t changed his variations, then it will be Andersson System vs Hedgehog and Bayonet Attack vs KID.
    If you can’t wait for the book, then buy the course – I thought it was great.

  20. Benjamin Fitch :
    The early Nf3 might bring happiness to a hedgehog player (or to a QID player who isn’t attached to playing the light-squared bishop to a6 in the fianchetto variation), so it will be interesting to see the antidote to, say, 1.c4 Nf6 2.Nf3 b6.

    I’d guess the antidote will be 3 g3 Bb7 4 Bg2 e6 5 0-0 Be7 6 Nc3 0-0 7 Re1 (although 7 d4 going into a main line QID is also an option).

  21. I’m wondering if the Anti-Grunfeld Nikos may be recommending in his upcoming English book is going to be 1 c4 Nf6 2 Nf3 g6 3 Nc3 d5 4 cxd5 Nxd5 5 Qb3, with 5…Nb6 6 d4 Bg7 (6…Be6 also possible) 7 Bf4, considering that it was mentioned above he could be recommending the Bayonet against the King’s Indian?

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