We are coming close to finishing a lot of books at the same time currently, leading to a more optimistic and more precise than usual publishing schedule.
Obviously, with January publications, the general problem is that the printer is busy most of December with Christmas catalogues and other seasonal items that really cannot wait as much as a chess book can.
The Soviet Chess Primer and The Modern Tiger are both with the printers. Excerpts are available here: SCP and MT.
Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide will be typeset next week. When the printer will be able to print it, we will see. But hopefully before the New Year or at least as the first thing back from the Christmas Holidays.
We are far with the editing of the second volume of Negi’s series, which will be about 400 pages, I think and 1.e4 vs. The Sicilian Volume 1 will be by far the most complex book in the series. We are also more than half way in the editing of the two volumes from Vassilios Kotronias on the Mar del Plata variation of the King’s Indian. These three books will be ready at the end of January or the start of February. It will be close.
The Hardback edition of Learn from the Legends will be done when someone needs a break or has finished something. It is a priority, but we gave up on the 10 years to the date idea some time ago. It just felt less important than bringing new books out. Some will disagree, others will be happy. But at least it is coming out and with a new chapter on Carlsen as well as some minor corrections all over the place.
The only thing that really has moved (as far as we are concerned) is the Gelfand book. Boris is playing the Mind Games event in China and it is just too tight with 2-3 days to get it done before then. Most of the book is written and edited and I am happy with the result. It has been very challenging to write this book (separate considerations revealed in a separate blog post in a few days’ time), but I am happy with how it is turning out.
The Semi-Slav is far advanced. A few things still need to be analysed deeply and finished. More on that in that piece as well.
All in all, we are working very hard, but the books coming out are better than we usually are able to make them. I am very happy with this list of coming books.
Ilya Maizelis | The Soviet Chess Primer | 10 Dec |
Tiger Hillarp Persson | The Modern Tiger | 10 Dec |
Mauricio Flores Rios | Chess Structures – A Grandmaster Guide | January |
Parimarjan Negi | Grandmaster Repertoire – 1.e4 vs The Sicilian I | Jan/Feb |
Vassilios Kotronias | Kotronias on the King’s Indian – Vol 2 – Mar del Plata I | Jan/Feb |
Vassilios Kotronias | Kotronias on the King’s Indian – Vol 3 – Mar del Plata II | Jan/Feb |
Mihail Marin | Learn from the Legends – Hardback Edition | Jan/Feb |
Tigran Petrosian | Python Strategy | February |
Boris Gelfand | Positional Decision Making in Chess | February |
John Shaw | Playing 1.e4 – A GM Guide – Caro-Kann, 1…e5 & Minor Lines | Winter |
Emanuel Berg | Grandmaster Repertoire 16 – The French Defence Vol 3 | Winter |
Boris Avrukh | GM Repertoire – 1.d4 The Catalan | Spring |
Lars Schandorff | Grandmaster Repertoire 20 – Semi-Slav | Spring |
Tibor Karolyi | Mikhail Tal’s best games 2 – World Champion | Spring |
If there is a book you expected to see on this list that is not on it, it just means that it is outside the horizon. Writers unfortunately do not coordinate well and they have a tendency to finish the books at the same time at least as much as with a nice well-spaced interval between them. So, sometimes we have to run faster. This is one of those times.
The books exist. They will come. Don’t despair. We are doing all we can.
Looking forward to Negi against the Najdorf
Any more about the Petrosian book?
No mention of Berg’s volume 3 on the French…..any advance on “winter”, its been a long wait between volumes for us French fans!
please include an excerpt of “chess structures/a grandmaster guide” when possible…thanks
^ what he said … and also please more info on Python Strategy which I am hoping is a ‘how to’ book on using Karpov’s python approach to chess!!! 🙂
Yes, on Python Strategy, I am wondering if it is a translation of an old Soviet book by Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian, or a new book by Tigran L Petrosian…
And thank you for your efforts….I bought lots of QC books this year, but (I think) only 2 non QC chess books.
Many nice books to come ….to buy… ! I am also very interested in the book by Petrosjan.
Once again I am asking about the book by John. I am accepting further delay (what else) but would like to know a bit what is going on…is the answer against Caro clear (3.e5 and 4.Nf3?) and is the book otherwise basically written?
So it looks like Tiger’s Modern is in time for before Christmas. What does he recommend for the Austrian Attack with the Pirc?
No hardcover for the Maizelis book?
Same here – great line-up of practically all ‘must-buys’! Very much looking forward to it. And the book on the Najdorf… 400 pages on one line… Is he trying to bust the Najdorf or what?!
In time for Christmas, someone will have to swim fast to make it to frozen Florida. Ahh I will buy it eventually.
Hello Jacob, some information on the book “Python Strategy”?
Against the Caro it will be 3.e5 but I will keep move 4 for later. And no, the book is not otherwise finished. I have other books to work on as well and we’ll take a civilised break over Christmas and the New Year, but let’s say we’ll finish my 1.e4 book in January and have it printed and available in February. We don’t normally make such clear predictions, but if I say it here, it might nudge me into making it happen.
Hi, will Schandorff’s Book only deal with the real Semi-Slav since the other lines like 4.e3 can be looked up in Avrukhs book?
Which line will be covered against the Meran?
Dear QC people. I am new to this forum and would like to begin by thanking you for providing world-wide chess enthusiasts with high quality (and quite honestly, … addictive) chess books.
As a 1.d4 player, I am curious whether GM Avrukh is planning to re-write all books from scratch or whether only the Catalan will be significantly modified. Particularly, I am wondering if he plans to recommend the fianchetto variation against the Benoni. Probably too early to say… but I am taking my chances!
I apologize if these questions were asked somewhere else.
@John Shaw
🙂 That’s quite some nudge you’re making here 🙂
It is a book written by Tigran Petrosian, which we have back from translation. I think Danny looked through it, but I really do not know the content really well. I will have to, as I am checking for blunders in the analysis and so on over the next few weeks.
Trying, yes.
No. Economical decision. Apologies.
An old book. Or we have been tricked!
@John Johnson
Chess4Less always gets the books over with FedEx. They are there a day or two after the European release.
Will “The Soviet Chess Primer” be available in forwardchess? It’s not listed in their coming soon section.
The Soviet Chess Primer excerpt looks good. I thought it would be too basic but it is not. I think I will get it as a review, back to basics.
Hello, can you say something about beating minors openings by mikhalevski?
‘ I have other books to work on as well and we’ll take a civilised break over Christmas and the New Year, but let’s say we’ll finish my 1.e4 book in January and have it printed and available in February. We don’t normally make such clear predictions, but if I say it here, it might nudge me into making it happen.’
It would be a perfect start in 2015…..for me…..!
Thanks, John, for your answer.
For “The Soviet Chess Primer” my thoughts were that a “beginner’s book” did not make sense for Forward Chess – or at least it is not a priority to convert it into FC. That is still true, but Maizelis’s book, as Jay mentioned, is much less of a beginner’s book than I had originally thought. Yes, it starts with the basics, but the level goes upwards in a hurry. As Mark Dvoretsky says in his Foreword, he and other strong players regularly re-read this book with pleasure.
So make that a “maybe” for Maizelis on FC, but for right now, FC are converting our new opening books, including “The Modern Tiger”.
@Jacob Will Avrukh only be doing a book on the Catalan? Or will it be a complete repertoire? I hope it’s the latter because I would like to see his updates in the Slow Slav and KID + Gruenfeld fianchetto variations too.
They said it will be a complete repertoire and probably 4 books, if I remember correctly!
Yes for volume 1.
I’m wondering if he’ll go for 8.Bf4 in the Panno. Also curious as to what he’ll add in the modern benoni. But I guess I’ll have to wait for considerable time to find out.
Patience is a virtue 🙂
May I suggest that you launch a 21st century edition of best middlegame book ever written by Max Euwe. Namely, he wrote 2 volumes, so you could make one combined version.
What’s more valuable than a classic in new hardback edition!
Please consider my suggestion very seriously!
A new version does exist already. I cannot see what we can add to this.
@Jacob Aagaard
It’s from 1994, but you could do them better 🙂
I really cannot see the point! They are available. Sure, we could typeset the books better and do a bit of checking, but it would be the same books. It would on top of this of course be difficult to work out getting the rights for these books. They are in print after all…
Must be imported through amazon, and there you find reviews complaining about horrible binding and bad editing 🙁 Your books are simply outstanding.
What about “the Road to chess Mastery” by the same author?
Yes Road to Chess Mastery 21st Century edition would be awesome. I love that book! Maybe even Benko’s Chess Endgame Lessons. Own both volumes – almost impossible to find.
@Michael Bartlett
Again it is in print. At least I managed to buy it. Certainly we could improve it at great financial outlay, but both creatively and financially, I fail to see the point.
Don’t know if the question has been answered but how many books is Kotronias planning on the KID.
Reckon Vol 3 Other Classical KID Petrosian, Gligoric Exchange and others.
Vol 4 Saemisch, Four Pawns, Averbakh
Vol 5 Others
Any info to give??
Kotronias books are always important and the King’s Indian will become a landmark in Quality Chess ambitious projects.
In this context it is very good news that the volumes concerning the classical variation will be released at the same time (I presume…), where are some critical lines in important variations that justify a deep and actual analisys (bayonett attack for example).
I am wondering when/if there will be a book out on the Dragon?
Also, when will there be a book against the anti-sicilians for black?
Also, when will there be a book for black against the anti-sicilians?
We are working on that assumption, but not promising anything.
Hopefully next summer.
@Luís Bacelar
Danny is very far with his work. I think January publication is highly likely.
@Jacob Aagaard
Great news 🙂 I.m.o. his first book in the series is absolutely brilliant!
Regarding anti-sicilians book, will it also include the anti-sicilians against all Black’s main second moves after 1.e4 c5, 2.Nf3 (2…e6, 2…d6, 2…Nc6, etc)? For example 3.g3 against 2…e6 as used by Carlsen in Game 4 of the World Championship match.
Very good news, this kind of work must not be “hurried” even if according to our wishes it should published yesterday…..
@The Doctor
Not at this stage. The only thing I can say is that the books will come. But exactly how they are cut up we will decide a bit later.
@Luís Bacelar
I disagree. And it is pushed through as fast as we can do it. Our books have never been flawless. It has never been a goal. Up to date is impossible, close it achievable!
I managed to write 15 pages for Thinking Inside the Box today. It was something I have wanted to formulate for quite a while. I am not sure they were good pages, but it is good to take a day off from other things once in a while to do something on this project.
@Jacob Aagaard
Since it is 10th December, next week, is the official publishing date, if I remember correctly, this is when shops receive it, and websales could be sent either this Friday and/or next Monday/Tuesday. Is this accurate?
@Jacob Aagaard
Yes, please finish it, so I can do some of your enjoyable exercises on my train trips. Right now, I am forced to do exercises from Yusupov’s Master Series; they are also really good but before doing them, it is necessary to do some homework (read the theory section with a chess set)!
@Gilchrist is a Legend
Yes, something like this. I am not sure when the books arrived in Poland. Usually it is on a Wednesday. We then send a few boxes to Glasgow for websales, as well as slowly prepare the boxes so they all arrive at the shops on the following Wednesday. The reason for this is that some customers order the books by pallets that only arrives on Wednesdays. So, it is fair that this is the day for all to receive the books.
There will not be many exercises in Thinking Inside the Box :-). It will be a book in the style of Excelling at Chess and Pump Up Your Rating.
@Jacob Aagaard
Great, very much looking forward to the final volume of your Opus Magnum!
@Jacob Aagaard
Hopefully the websale books arrive this morning then. Looking forward to try Tiger’s recommendations in next tournament. Early Christmas present as well.
Looks like good news, “Tiger’s Modern” is moved to Opening from “Coming Soon” and now says “published”.
@Gilchrist is a Legend
Rather than earlier, later will be the danger in December I fear.
Have you consider to publish “The Soviet Chess Primer” in the Forward Chess app ?
Just wondering, any chance of Kotronias’ KID series bing made available on ForwardChess? Really is excellent software. No sighting of the already published one in digital form yet, alas.
Festive regards to chilly Scotland,
Not all books will make it to the app. This is one of them.
The first one was too long. The conversion costs at an early stage were not encouraging for the sales we were looking at. But maybe we will reverse this decision!? We will at least discuss it.
I ended up buying a lot of QC books on Paper and also on Forward Chess 🙂 It is still worth the money
Just one quick note:
Negi´s first Volume is in my opinion the finest opening book ever, even better then the absolute opening book GM 1 by Boris Avrukh ! Top notch opening theory with an excellent prose and many ideas – great !
I still prefer Berg’s books, but thats a matter of taste.
Got my copy of the tiger today. Interestingly he recommends e6 in the classical…
What about the Austrian Modern?
You mean the Hippopotamus?
No no, 6.-e6 in the classical instead of 6.-Bg4 or 6.-c6.
Ponomariov played that line against Kovchan recently.
Aha, I see. Interesting!
@Jacob Aagaard
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I do so hope these come out digitally. I buy digital and hard copy, and am happy to pay appropriately (more!) for longer ones. I am sure many will feel the same.
Here’s hoping!
6…e6 had already been suggested by Hillarp Persson in the first edition after the tricky move order 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nf3 d6 4.Be2 Nf6 (4…a6 would allow 5.c4) 5.Nc3 0-0 6.0-0.
Is this now the only recommendation against the classical?
Any chance we can get an update on how it is going with GM Rep. #16 ? I know the release date is set for “winter”, but are we then talking during end dec or end feb I wonder ?
Do you intend to publish Pachman’s COMPLETE CHESS STRATEGY (the 3 volumes) in your classics series? It’s a nice book and modern ammateurs don’t read descriptive notation. You can also publish the two tactical volumes by the same guy, Ludek Pachman. How about that? Oh, and THE ART OF THE MIDDLEGAME by Keres and Kotov!
Are there any plan to do a Black repertoire in the ‘Grandmaster Guide’ style similar to ‘Playing the French’ for a 1.d4 defence?
Dr S
‘Playing the Nimzoindian’ would be a great one.
@The Doctor
Long term, not short term. Sorry.
Thanks for the response love your books 😉