Summer time

Last week’s question was: ‘At the chess Olympiad, do you think it is fair that England, Scotland and other British teams are allowed to compete individually?’

I must admit I expected a big vote for ‘No’ but I was wrong. 67% of you are fine with the present situation. Maybe you are traditionalists, or British, or both?


Today Glasgow is grey and rain-sodden, but this is summertime, and traditionally the next couple of months are a busy time for chess tournaments. So: How many tournaments will you play this summer?

13 thoughts on “Summer time”

  1. Are you including rapid and blitz in this question? And how serious does it have to be? A blitz side event or an evening blitz round robin at the local club or are still technically tournaments. But my first thought was to count only standard/long time control ones.

  2. @Stigma

    For the poll, I was thinking more of standard/long time control events.

    I voted ‘zero’ as my next one is the Baku Olympiad, and I am counting September as autumn.

  3. None, but not totally out of choice. If I were single, though, I’d definitely be playing chess somewhere nice and cool, where the beer flows!

  4. 5 tournaments at the British Chess Championships in Bournemouth plus an e2e4 one in the Late Summer Bank holiday


    1st review of “Playing 1.e4 – Caro-Kann, 1…e5 and Minor Lines by John Shaw”

    ………….Insgesamt gibt es in dem grandiosen Buch unglaublich viele tolle neue Ideen. Einige Varianten sind variantenlastiger und bekannter, andere bieten mehr Raum zu neuen Ideen. Ich werde sicherlich einige Varianten in mein Repertoire aufnehmen und kann dieses Buch nur allen Schachspielern, die 1.e4 spielen oder spielen wollen, empfehlen.

    IM Dirk Schuh

    Juli 2016


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