We have to admit that we are fixated on writing books and don’t know much about the price systems out of our control. But we looked into it after Apple changed their prices in the UK, India and Turkey. Apparently £1 = $1, because the British voters are erratic. Let’s not go there. Looking at xe.com at this moment, £1 = $1.24.
On top of this, the UK charges full VAT on electronic books, 20%. So you arrive at £19.99. As suggested by someone on this blog: Buy the hardback.
We are outside control on this issue with IOS devices. But not necessarily so with Android, as Forward Chess explains:
“1. Apple – there is nothing we can for one country. Once we specify the ‘tier’, all country prices get filled in automatically. You can pick any tier you wish, for any book.
2. Android – when we set up a new book, we specify the USD price and then convert other currencies. Unless we hit this ‘convert’ button later on, the prices do not change.
That’s why you may see different GBP prices for different books where the USD price is the same.
The bottom line – in Android, we can specify any price, for any book, for any local currency.”
We will do just that.