Long awaited publishing schedule

Hi guys,

This is a brief publishing schedule. Just wanted to answer a few of the recurrent questions you have been coming with recently. Hope it helps.

Vassilios Kotronias King’s Indian – Volume 5 Spring
Axel Smith e3 Poison Spring
Tibor Karolyi Mikhail Tal’s best games 3 – The Invincible Spring
Jacob Aagaard Thinking Inside the Box Spring
John Shaw Playing 1.e4 – Sicilian & French Spring
Nikos Ntirlis Playing 1.d4 d5 – A Classical Repertoire Spring
Parimarjan Negi 1.e4 vs Minor Defences Summer
Mihail Marin GM Rep – Pirc Summer
Esben Lund Sharp Endgames Summer
Boris Avrukh GM Repertoire 2A Summer
Carl Portman Chess Behind Bars Summer
Boris Gelfand Technical Decision Making in Chess Winter

468 thoughts on “Long awaited publishing schedule”

  1. @Aagaard
    I ¤#&/(#¤% LOVE you guys for hearing my pleads.. is it 1st of April today ? No.. good! That means you will work with Marin for a GM Rep book on the Pirc. That will be one hell of a nice project. Thank you so much for answering my prayers (because I have had tons of problems finding the right book about Pirc amongst what has already been written).

    Also – looking very much forward to Kotronias’ fifth book on the KID. And, last but absolutly not least.. your “Thinking Inside The Box” – will this one complete the Aagaard-series I wonder ?

  2. Great! Looking forward to a lot of those books. Most of them have been long-awaited by many, but I’m particularly happy to see an endgame-book in the line-up! Despite my limited chess understanding and experience, I have a vague idea what “sharp endgames” are. However, I have absolutely no clue how “e3” and “poison” could possibly fit together;) Any ideas?

  3. Great line-up and far too many must-buys for me to actually read. Will Marin’s Pirc be GM Repertoire, GM Guide or something else?

  4. @Roberto

    Had a look through my database and Smith seems to play an early e3 in many of the Flank Openings he plays….could be totally wrong but this may hold a clue to the contents; certainly hope so

  5. Dr Bob :
    “e3 Poison” – a rehabilitation of the King-Queen Turnabout opening?

    What’s that?

    My first impression was that QC broadens their business model with a “Win in 20 Moves with the Dangerous Colle-Koltanowski Attack” kind of book. 😉

  6. Jeg taper partiet men vinner krigen

    Holey Shit ! GM Rep Pirc ¿ Just wants to confirm, is a GM Repertoire and not GM Guide right ¿

  7. On the one hand I love to see a Marin Pirc book. On the other hand I really wonder why he writes this book as he just wrote a very short update of the latest Pirc developments in CBM 176. His conclusion: basically not much happened over the last couple of years in this opening. So how does the new book and his CBM conclusion fit together?

  8. Great line-up, looking forward to all these books! And I guess le bruit qui court’s prayers have been answered with the Pirc book 🙂 . Not that I mind by the way, because I play the Pirc myself, so this is a book I’m particularly interested in! And Playing 1.e4 in Spring: YES!

  9. @Ray
    Spring includes May. This is what I am hoping. We are not that far off, it is just all these darn authors finishing books that needs putting out as well…

  10. I dont see endgame studies books anymore anywhere . Does computer and tablebases killed everything in That area ? Or it just interest too few people to make it worthwhile.?

  11. Can hardly wait for the final volume of the KID by Kotronias.
    Also looking forward to what Nikos is up to in his d4, d5 repertoire.

    As I wrote before on this forum, I think it will be 1.d4, d5 2.c4, e6 3.Nc3, Nf6 4.Bg5, Nbd7 5.e3, h6 6.Bh4, Be7 7.Nf3, 0-0 8.Rc1, c5! and 4.Nf3, Nbd7 5.Bf4, dxc4!

  12. @ Jacob
    Hi Jacob. What about the book Chess from Scratch? Will it be your future book after publishing Thinking Inside the Box? When will it be probably released? Thanks.

  13. @Aagaard
    I’m still dancing around in the ceiling singing “PIRC PIRC PIRC!! MARIN WILL WRITE ABOUT THE PIRC”, high from yesterday’s announcement.

    Thanks so much for working on this project!

  14. What I like about Nikos book is that it will be a universal weapon that can be used against 1.d4, 1.c4 and 1.Nf3. I think he will go classical against 1.c4 and 1.Nf3 so I think he will recommend the closed system against the Catalan.

  15. I’m really looking forward to reading “e3 poison”. The idea sounds magnificent, a system based approach for 1.d4/1.c4 – Players but not one of those Queen’s Pawn Openings.

  16. @John Shaw
    Okay, thanks, John, I had suspected something like that. Rather slow-acting “poison” then?! Anyway, sounds just like the perfect book for someone whom QC have just converted into a passionate e4-player;) (Much enjoying your Caro-Kann lines at the moment:))

  17. @Ray

    Sorry, probably I should have written “Queen’s Pawn Game”, referring to openings beginning with 1. d4 where White does not play c4.
    Back to the topic: I wish it were spring 😉

  18. Interesting schedule considering Jacob is going away for a month ?
    Any idea how far John has progressed his 1e4 volume 2 ?. I suspect Nikos will get his book published by early April

  19. @Andre
    1. e3 intending Ke2, Qe1, Kd1. Gets the king to safety and the queen on to a strong file.
    OK, maybe not QC style, but perhaps Alex Bezgodov will cover it? Alternatively, Cyrus L must be about to run out of sensible openings…

  20. @RYV

    In the KID black also has easy equality against the set-up with d4, c4 and e3 (Smyslov System) according to established theory, so I’m very curious to see what Smith has found against these openings 🙂

  21. @ Thomas

    I guess you’re right… But surely with the bishop still on c1 it can’t be an improvement… BUt I’m probably being too simplistic.

  22. @Ray

    I think it will be more about knowing your system, choosing the right strategy, being flexible.
    And getting out of computer lines.
    Playing Nf6, e6, d5 and c5 with black isn’t such a bad thing – why not look at it from the white side?

  23. Bingo! “e3 poison” is really a pleasant surprise, a nice fit with my white systems. What will it be against the fianchetto systems ? If the queens bishop really stays at home my bet is a colour-reversed Kings-Indian-Attack against the KID… or some really weird things at the other wing exploiting the absence of knight f3 ?

  24. E3 poison : against KI : 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.e3 g6 3.b4 Bg7 4. Bb2 as Epishin recently played. Against classical ( d5+e6+c5 ) you can sometimes gambit b4 or play à la Carlsen in Rapid WC ( b3, Bb2 , Qc2, Bd3 ( without d4 ) and then h4

  25. This e3-poison looks more like tricking your opponent by uncommon move order, trying to transpose intro favorable position or playing some black defensive set-up with one extra move.
    You will not get bad positions ….but is it really the best way to take advantage of the white pièces.

    Try the main lines is QC claim.

  26. That claims only pertains to the GM Repertoire series. QC have in the past also published books on the Morra Gambit and the Trompovsky, but those too were not part of the GM Rep series.

  27. I understand that it is more about having ” playables positions” than looking for the latest novelty but still playing reverse defense with white should be used only on specific occasion to secure a safe game and not as a rule.
    That said , it can be usefull book if treated as opening to middlegame transition with respect to pieces and pawn structure.

  28. @RYV
    I agree. In the QGD the black’s light-squared bishop is a problem piece, so why go for a similar structure with white voluntarily? Anyway, tastes differ I guess.

  29. If you take a closer look at ALL major openings after 1.d4, you’ll actually find out that there have been important developments in e3 systems in all of them. Also, i’d not mind playing the Black side of the KIA (look at the relevant chapter of the”Playing the French” book) having a full extra tempo! In general, Mamedyarov has experimented a lot with e3 systems the last 3 years and you cannot claim that he is not an ambitious player!

    I have to say that I haven’t looked at Axel’s book and i have no idea about its contents.

  30. @Jacob Aagaard
    Yes, the book is still unpublished. But the abtract is quite well detailed and i made my comments regarding what it says.
    Talking about structures, showing positive and negative aspects of varions possibles plans in a given situation is great. It will make this book a usefull complement to Flores first book.it will help to understand positional requirement.
    What i am concerned about is when it says an unambitious opening like c4-d4-e3-Nf3 helps to GM title ?! No. Fine understanding of chess structure (pawn and pieces play) will get you at master level. So, hard work in non-tactical position like this queen pawn opening will help to a better understanding of chess. You can do the same with c3-d3-e4-Qc2. If you understand the subtilities of this set-up, you will outplay a weeker opponent….but you cannot say that this opening is a poisonous weapon to achieve GM title.

    Having a ptovocative title like e3-poison , you should not be surprised of ” reactive ” comments.

  31. @RYV
    The author has spent months looking at the games of Mamedyarov, Kramnik and others, but you can reject it without hearing what he has to say and criticise the title as well, if I understand you correctly. It is certainly your right and we would never censor an honest opinion like yours here on the blog.

  32. @Jacob Aagaard

    Are you planning to have a 3rd edition of Playing 1.d4 The Queen’s Gambit and 2nd Edition of Playing 1.d4 The Indian Defences?

  33. It is not about the book itself. I have no doubt A.S. has done lots of work . I, myself, play the e3 move in many openings (Tarrasch/semi-Tarrasch, Reti, Qc2 anti-Slav…) so I am curious to read it.
    But I find the presentation of the book unfair. It is misleading by letting people believe there is a new universal e3-d4-c4 opening system that will put blacks under pressure and help players to increase their level. Instead, if you work hard on positional play and pawn structure, you will be able to play correctly uncommon system with the e3 move, even if it is not the optimal move, because you will have deep understanding on what is going on with this move.

    Waiting for the book !

  34. @RYV

    You seem to be reading a different text to me.

    RYV: “What i am concerned about is when it says an unambitious opening like c4-d4-e3-Nf3 helps to GM title ?! No.”

    The text says this system and approach helped Axel get his final GM norm. Which is true.

    RYV: “It is misleading by letting people believe there is a new universal e3-d4-c4 opening system that will put blacks under pressure and help players to increase their level.”

    Again, it doesn’t say anything like that.

    RYV: “Instead, if you work hard on positional play and pawn structure, you will be able to play correctly uncommon system with the e3 move, even if it is not the optimal move, because you will have deep understanding on what is going on with this move.”

    That one is closer to reality. In fact it is highly similar to what the sales text says:

    “Instead of his usual approach of memorizing many concrete moves to try to force an advantage, he would focus on pawn structures and typical plans.”


    “Smith shows that a practical repertoire can also be a grandmaster repertoire – it is all about understanding the positional themes and plans.”

  35. @John Shaw

    well, english is not my native language. So there is propably many misunderstandings from what i read and about what i am tryind to say.

    from the abstract :
    The result was a repertoire based on a set-up with the moves d4, Nf3, c4 and e3. It helped Axel Smith to the GM title, and led to the creation of e3 Poison.

    this is probably what confuse me .
    No problems guys.

    go on with great books!

  36. @John Shaw
    Not going to judge the book by its cover, but to my eyes it looks terrible. But nevertheless the hardback will find its way to bookshelf on or close to the release date!

  37. @Paul H

    I can appreciate it will not be to everyone’s taste, but I like it. I feel dullness is the danger with many chess book covers, and this e3 Poison certainly avoids that.

  38. About the Axel Smith book I’m interested in knowing if it is serious. Does it claim White advantage in every line, or is it honest and tells me that Black has equalized? My main problem with non QC books is that they are hardly critical about what they are proposing.

    If the e3 book is critical enough, I will surely buy it. I am not expecting an advantage against everything. I do not think you can prove an advantage against any major opening. You can try to study it deeply a la Avrukh, but you will get four large books of openings. I would love to have a more simple book where we do not expect a +/=, but a solid = with a well detailed plan.

  39. @RYV

    The Coming Soon page says most of what I can say at the moment. http://www.qualitychess.co.uk/products/2/292/chess_behind_bars_by_carl_portman/

    It’s very different from our normal books. As we say, “Chess Behind Bars offers a guide to chess in prisons that will instruct and entertain regardless of your situation.” So the author’s first intention is to make it useful for prisoners learning about chess, but from what I’ve seen the book should interest a wider range of people than that.

  40. @John Shaw

    I love the e3 Poison book cover, for me it’s a refreshing change from the cliché chessboard or chess piece covers which seem to accompany every title. e3 Poison when it comes out should be easy to spot in my library with its distinctive style, I also like Axel’s entire concept for the book, i.e. understanding over memorization and not striving for that illusory ‘Winning’ edge after move 10. The fact of the matter is that computer assisted preparation has made achieving an opening advantage with White a near impossibility.

    Bullet Proof openings include but are not limited to: Gruenfeld; Berlin Wall; Najdorf; Slav; Marshall vs Ruy; Breyer vs Ruy. I’m sure others will add to this list.

    Keep up the fantastic work Q.C. Team, and also hurry up and complete Volume: 2 of the Playing 1.e4 repertoire series.

    Best regards,

    Tops 🙂

  41. @Gollum

    ‘e3 Poison’ does not claim an advantage for White in every line. Axel is very open that Black is objectively OK in some positions (he even says so in the Preface). But the idea of the book is not to gain a theoretical plus straight out of the opening; it is to gain a better understanding of the resulting positions and structures. And that is largely what Axel is teaching in the book.

    “I would love to have a more simple book where we do not expect a +/=, but a solid = with a well detailed plan.”

    You should be happy with ‘e3 Poison’ then (though White is better in a few lines). If you know Axel or his previous book, you will know Axel does not go for a lazy approach. The reader will not have to memorize many moves compared to a normal repertoire book, but Axel does expect the reader to work on their understanding, using what is in the book.

  42. E. Lund on sharp endgames is an other very attractive book. I liked a lot his two former book (rook vs 2 pieces and bad bishop)because they were about subjects that are almost never treated. What is the point of “sharp endgames” ?

  43. I am feeling obligated to write an open letter to all publishers of chess books. I will blaim them to plubish to many extraodinary opening books. Therefore I can’t decide what opening to play!
    New books always make me change my mind, therefore I don’t study any opening for a longer period´. So please stopp publishing this awful books! 🙂

  44. @ Nikos : i have not seen important white developments in the e3 Gruenfeld recently ( cxd5 /Nxd5 followed by Ne2 /Nc3 is not so recent ) but maybe i’m missing sthg

  45. @Pinpon
    The line you are metnioning is not the only “e3-Grunfeld” around. There is also the e3 line without the knight on c3. As mentioned above by both me and Jacob, take a look at Mamedyarov’s games for example (i think that he won against Gelfand by using this system?). Also, Dreev has played various e3-setups against the Grunfeld. I think his game against Ipatov was a bit depressing from the Black point of view. Black could only play for drw in a slightly worse endgame and in the Svidler series in chess24 for example, there was offered not a better line that this. Again, i am only reffering to stuff coming out of my memory here having no idea of Smith’s recommendations.

  46. Good morning John,

    I was wondering if you have any more information on how far away we are from getting Nikos ! ..d5 book in our hands? Is it likely to be published before your second 1 e4 book?

    Thank you John.


  47. @James2
    Too painful for John to reply to no doubt. Andrew is almost finished with his work on the final Kotronias book. Maybe two weeks to go. After this he will work on Nikos’s book, I think, although there are other contenders. But we are talking not very long. And probably before John’s 1.e4 book…

  48. Nice to read that the 1.d4 d5 book by Nikos is in sight. I just found comments from January:

    James2 :
    @Nikos ntirlis
    Hi Nikos,
    I wanted to ask you if you will be providing solutions in your book against 2 non c4 moves by white. {e.g. Blackmar-Diemer, 2 Bg5, London System (2 Bf4 and 2 Nf3 Bf4, Torre, Colle, etc)} and also the Catalan?
    Did you also decide to provide lines against 1 c4 and 1 Nf3?
    Thank you.

    Nikos ntirlis :
    Yes, yes and yes! Everything.

    That’s very very nice. Does the mentioned stuff also deliver a good complement to Perts Ragozin book? That Ragozin stuff looks very good, but most of my opponents are those colle players all around and i don’t want to buy too much advanced book like the grandmaster repertoire Beating 1.d4 Sidelines by Boris Avrukh AND Beating Minor Openings by Victor Mikhalevski to get a full repertoire.

  49. @Jacob Aagaard
    Hi Jacob,

    That’s great, thank you. I thought you might be a bit busy in Iran to get involved with my query. I hope you’re having a nice time and that the rest of your tour is successful for you.


  50. @Karl
    Daniel King is also doing a DVD over the next couple of weeks for Chessbase on the ‘D4 Deviations’ or 1 d4 d5 2 non c4. It is to compliment his QGD and Catalan DVDs released last year. That ought to also be interesting if you are looking for more material against your Colle, etc.

    I have Avrukh’s 1 d4 Sidelines book and it is excellent for coverage of the same. Avrukh is a classy author.


  51. A complete book on QGD ( both white and black side) is highly awaited. I know this will easily be more than 500 pages… but it also teach how to play chess the right way. Anything planed ?

  52. Hi QC team,
    I would like to know if there is a “Mayhem in the c3 sicilian” by Marc on the map ? I know lot of players transpose into 2.c3 sicilian when facing the Morra gambit (i.e Anand). He will have a lot to say for sure 😉

  53. @Michel Barbaut

    No plans on that, though Marc did already cover some c3 Sicilian ideas in “Mayhem in the Morra”.

    That reminds me of a quiz question (no prizes available) I was meaning to ask: Which move order gives Black a choice between facing the Morra Gambit or the Exchange Slav?

  54. Franck steenbekkers :
    Can I expect part 2 of 1 e4 from John and co before easter

    I have learned not to make predictions about dates, but I do have two other books to edit before Playing 1.e4 gets more of my attention. We will get there as fast as is reasonably possible, without neglecting other commitments.

  55. The two books I anticipate the most right now:
    – Playing 1.e4 volume 2
    – The Winds of Winter

    I think John will win that race at least 🙂

  56. An Ordinary Chessplayer

    @John Shaw
    I suppose 1.c3 (have played this a bunch of times myself, long story) 1…c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.Nf3 gives black the choice. Although after 3…dxc3 4.Nxc3 black can still avoid the Morra with 4…d5? or 4…f5!?. I remember eons ago watching a blitz game go 1.c4 d5 2.cxd5 c6 3.dxc6 Nxc6. An expert who was watching alongside me said, “A reversed Morra gambit. I never thought of that!” And the poor confused English guy played 4.d4? After a few more games like that the reversed Morra became a bit of a fad at that club – in blitz.

  57. I am quite happy with your book. It complements Negi well. Your book does a good job of enforcing the basic ideas of space and development that Negi glausses over. I notice that I play simpler better chess when playing your lines and that when I play Negi’s lines, moves that confused me before suddenly make sense now. Negi’s variations, while chaotic, do make sense when you have the basics down. @John Shaw

  58. Really excited to see what Axel Smith has been working on. Every time I pick up “Pump” I can’t remember why I haven’t devoured the whole thing yet. He’s top notch.

  59. Hi Guys,

    I thought I’d ask if the cover for Negi’s 1 d4 d5 book has been finalised, and when can we hope for a pdf excerpt?

    Also, are you any nearer to completing the 2017 catalogue? (These questions might actually overlap).

    Thank you.


  60. @Topnotch
    Ah yes, my mistake. I apologise about that.

    What happened was I was reading Nikos’ 1 e4 e5 book, and I decided to write my query re Nikos 1 d4 d5. As I was putting the book away to type my query I flicked past the foreward by Negi. It has Negi’s picture in there and therefore I had Negi on the brain when writing my query. These things happen.


  61. Have you considered making a Grandmaster Guide (GG) on the KID? Smirin’superb book has convinced me to have it as a part of my repertoire. The GG could be an alternative to Kontronias’ work on the KID where the classical variation perhaps is based on Sa6 instead of Sc6 which requires such a heavy knowledge of theory.

  62. There is already many books on KID , QC & other publishers have done great work on this subject.

    I will prefer some news on QID, QGD, and Najdorf, Taimanov & Kan sicilian …but who knows, it might be on the way.

  63. If Smirin played fantastics games with KID, it is not because of the king’s Indian defense, it is because of Smirin !
    Openings books help you not to loose within 15 moves, but doesn’t help much to play a good game.


    There’s a GM Rep on the Pirc planned, Chess Stars have just published a book on the Pirc/KID, there’s the Kotronias KI series, Bologon has a KI book planned, KINWarefare, Pirc Move by Move, for crying out loud why the heck would you want ANOTHER book on the KID/Pirc

  65. Good evening Jacob,

    I know you have already authored a book on what I will ask about, but I was wondering if there are any plans to do a GM Repertoire/Play The… book on the Dutch Stonewall? It would be a ‘pure’ Dutch beginning with 1 d4 f5 so that all the gambits, other seconds, etc were covered. (I know it may have been covered in other media over the last few weeks and I have a good book on it by Gambit, but that book is almost 10 years old and there have been some developments on it lately.)

    I thought I’d ask anyway.

    Thank you.


  66. With all these great new books that have already been printed and others coming out soon, I am extremely curious to know how the two books that Lars Schandorff wrote, “Playing 1. d4”, is holding up as I use those books as my main opening repertoire which has served me well up to this point. I only hope that another author has not found a strong antidote to cause any of the lines he recommends trouble. I just don’t have the budget necessary to buy all the books to find out, although I wish I did 🙂

  67. With many books on the same opening from various authors, and from white or black point of view, it make sense to compare their ” favorite line”. Usually, the moves are the same, but the evaluation differ slightly. One will says ” good game for white with no weakness” while the other says ” black has equalize and can start queenside operation”. So it is more about “feeling” the position than absolute evaluation.

  68. @James2
    I did not like the Gambit book much. In important moments, it was referring to my book. But no, we have no plans. I still think my book with some independent study might be a good place to start.

  69. No prob…if one is coming, I will surely have a (deep) look at it. If not, I will continue with a mix my older books. The Taimanov/Kan is flexible enough to keep his strength despite news lines.

  70. May i say that Kotronias books on KID were amazing and working with Mar Del Plata I and II from a white pov ( and not a black one ? ) was a great pleasure and a very instructive one too.
    Hope last opus will be of the same calibre ( but no doubt ) .

  71. I think the Scheveningen is pretty much busted at the top level, due to the Keres Attack. Most recently Kotronias (!) made a convincing case for white in his book for Chess Stars.

  72. @Ray
    The keres attack seems to be strong…. but it can also backfire. it is also possible to enter the scheveningen via the a6 move order. Ok then , you may face All the Bg5/Be3 system against najdorf variation,and all English attack set-up but there are no perfect move order.
    There are also sometime transposition from the Taimanov opening so even if the scheveningen is not the current trend, it might be useful to have an up to date book about this system.

  73. @ RYV

    In my opinion we’re then basically talking about an update of the GM Rep Najdorf book. That’s already planned by QC. And by the way, the first edition of that book of course is much more recent than Kasparov / Nikitin’s book :-). I don’t see much added value to a separate book on the pure Scheveningen (via the …d6 / …e6 move order) next to the GM Rep Najdorf book, because there would be a huge overlap. Basically you would only need an extra chapter on how te deal with the Keres Attack.

  74. @Ray
    2… e6 4… Nc6 and 5… d6 leads to lines having almost no overlap with the Najdorf / Sceveningen lines. Having QC books on both would be great.

  75. I agree, but the question was about a Scheveningen book, and 2…e6, 4…Nc6 and 5…d6 lines are no Scheveningen (at least, I’m assuming you postpone …Nf6?).

  76. Jacob Aagaard :
    With the Najdorf we have had to change plans a few times. In the end we will publish a books…

    I bet this one will be a big heavy book….or maybe a multiple volumes with both ..e6 & ..e5 lines.
    But from my point of view, against black d6-e6-Nf6, a white set up with Be2/Bd3 or Bc4 & kingside castling could be included in a scheveningen / Keres attack volume ou sub-section.
    Hope we can get more info about this najdorf new book soon.

  77. There is also (a) the scheveningen without …a6, and (b) the one arising from Taimanov Be2-Be3 mainline when black plays …d6 instead of …Bb4. QC series for White (Negi Sicilian III) addressed point (a) by playing the Keres, and eschewed point (b) by picking a Be3/Qd2 line.

  78. @Jacob Aagaard
    Yes, absolutely.
    some kind of actual state of the art with “objective” evaluation of ALL relevant variations ( or most of all). It is always a good point to have a reference book that can last many years with some update work on the most changing lines.

  79. About the Gelfand serie .
    I like very much the 3 parts of work : positional, tactical & technical….
    but chess is also about imagination, so is there a fourth volume planed that could be something like “Intuitive decision….” ?

  80. Hi all at QC HQ,

    I thought I’d revisit this thread and ask if your 2017 catalogue/pdf is anywhere nearer being released?

    Also, are there any more update on Shaw II and Nikos 1 d4 d5? It is these two I’m really looking forward to (and I imagine I’m certainly not the only one).

    Thank you.


  81. @James2
    Oh don’t worry you’re not!

    I’ve been waiting for Shaw II for a long time!
    Seems to me it gets furher down the ‘to do list’ as other things come up!

  82. Kotronias 5th book on KID : Sämisch and The Rest .
    The beast is 550 pages long .
    Nice to see 3.f3 included ( with Ne2-Nc3 i suppose )
    Soon an excerpt ?

  83. Good afternoon Jacob,

    I was wondering if there was any more information as to when an excerpt of the last Kotronias King’s Indian book will be made available?

    Thank you.


  84. @James2

    No facetiousness at all.

    Simply stating the fact that Jacob said it would be three weeks before the KI excerpt and that was 2 weeks ago, so should give you a good idea when the excerpt will be out up.

  85. Just to say I’m working my way through KI Warfare…..absolutely love it. Especially the chapter on Line Opening a real lesson on attacking play and fighting for the initiative. A book which would be an amazing read even if you are not s King’s Indian player.

    I really hope you consider doing one similar in something like the Sicilian Najdorf or Sicilian Dragon

  86. Sorry for posting this question here. I recently purchased your new NID book by GM Roiz. In the 4. Qc2 d5 section he recommended an eventual…dxc4, …b6, & …Ba6 line against 7. Nf3, but against 7. Bg5 he recommended something else and I was wondering why not recommend …dxc4, …b6, & eventually …Ba6 there too? Now 9. Nf3 would Transpose. I am aware 9. Rd1 & 9. Rc1 are available in that move Order. I was just curious as to his choice. Thanks.

  87. @John Shaw

    Hi John,

    I have a couple of queries regarding Negi 5 if you don’t mind? They are as follows:

    1) Will this book include 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 x (x being Latvian, Petroff, etc) so that the final volume will only be on the Spanish, and

    2) According to the projection above Negi 5 will be out in the summer. Do you have any more information form when that was prepared above to make you think that it will be out at the ned of August/beginning of September this year?

    Thank you for your time John.


  88. @James2

    Negi 5 is planned as “1.e4 vs. Minor Defences” while Negi 6 is planned as the 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 book.

    I wouldn’t risk a guess on Negi 5 date, but this year and hopefully not so late in the year.

  89. Jacob Aagaard :
    I have begged Afek to write such a book for us for close to ten years by now. He always agrees and never delivers…

    Another publisher will soon publish a book called “Extreme Chess Tactics” by Afek.

  90. I’m very much looking forward to Axel Smith’s book. Somewhere on this blog it was mentioned before that it may be released in May. Do you already know whether it will really be released within the next 1-2 months? Thanks in advance, McBear

  91. I had a question regarding Nikos’ Playing 1 d4 d5 book, if you don’t mind?

    I realise the last time there was a publishing schedule was about 2 months ago, and that there are a few books to publish before 1 d4 d5 but I was wondering if you had more of an idea around which month in 2017 this might be published?

    Thank you all.


  92. Lots of books are near completion, but delayed because the typesetter is travelling around Asia promoting chess and chess books.

  93. Hi Jacob, does your comment apply to your Thinking Inside the Box book, as well? I’m checking QC site/blog and forwardchess site everyday now, waiting for the moment when I can buy it 😀 thanks and wish you safe travels across Asia!

  94. In his foreword to Understanding the Grunfeld, Jonathan Rowson thanked his family for (approx.) ‘expanding his imagination by searching original answers to the repeated question How is your book going?’ Surely you didn’t have to embark on a World Tour to get a bit of respite 🙂

  95. I’m looking forward to Smith’s e3 poison.
    I’m guessing the backbone of the repertoire are slow-Slav/Colle-Zukertort setups against 1.d4 d5, and some e3 systems against the Indian Defences (with a quick b4?). Not sure how good a quick e3 is vs. the Benoni. And I wonder how the Dutch Defence is handled (though I’ve read that e3 combined with a quick b4 does pretty well against the Leningrad for instance; Richard Palliser has a chapter on that in a non-Quality book).
    I hope this comes out late April/early May so I can read it before my tournament in July. 🙂

  96. @cashparov
    I am in Tehran on the last stop of my tour. I am going to return to Glasgow on Thursday and go back to work Friday. I am planning to have the Axel book typeset by the Monday. John was close to finishing the editing; this is the crucial point. Also, the final Kotronias book is ready for me when I return. We will be quick.

  97. Dear Mr Aagaard,
    could you give us an estimation of when an excerpt of the “e3 poison” will appear on the QC site?
    Thank you.

  98. Dear QC,
    Do you have any likely dates for the arrival of an excerpt 1d4 d5 book yet? Thanks.

    PS KI Warfare book is excellent!

  99. @Tygrysek
    Maybe two weeks. I am giving the last lecture on my Asian tour tonight in Tehran. Tomorrow I will travel and Friday I will be back at work. Things will move quite quickly. We have a number of books coming in the next few months. Quite a number. Thinking Inside the Box and this Asian tour has slowed many projects down a bit, but they will happen now.

  100. Hi Jacob!

    I hope that you had a great trip and that you are now back in the office working on books!!

    I thought I would be the first to ask the most important question……..Did you miss John?!?! :0)


  101. @Thomas
    But really, after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 are you forced into a catalan? I am thinking a bit about 3.g3 c5

    Then, of course I wish for a book about Queens Indian compatible with Mikhalevskis beating minor openings

  102. Finn Egeland :
    But really, after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 are you forced into a catalan? I am thinking a bit about 3.g3 c5
    Then, of course I wish for a book about Queens Indian compatible with Mikhalevskis beating minor openings

    Concur. Take the new NID book, Beating Minor Openings, and then a QID book(hint hint) and you are good to go.

  103. publishing good books is good… but who is making serious review about all ( at least some of them !) these new books ? who are your favorites reviewers ? any website ?

  104. @RYV
    I’ve only seen 3 good reviewers these days:
    1/ Sadler in New in Chess- more compliments this time on the Razuvaev and Luther books, but he only gave the latter 3 stars, which Imcould not work out as he made no criticisms;
    2/ Carsten Hansen has reappeared in the superb (but not as superb as New in Chess) American ChessMagazine, but no Quality Chess books featured in deatail in latest issue (beyond Gelfand being in table as 5 stars);
    3/ The chap who posts here- Gollum- has a very good review blog I think.

    Glenn Flear in NIC yearbook also reviews, but I don’t get. I miss the British Chess Magazine of 20 years ago, where pretty much every book published would be reviewed in some detail.

    There haven’t been many books published so far this year – New in Chess a couple I think (one of which seems a reprint with minor updates of a 2009 book), Quality 1 (and that was delayed from last year), Everyman not doing much either.

  105. @Ray

    Such a shame as a Ritcher-Rauzer book by Kozul would have probably been a really good buy t if it was done by QC or any of the other main 3

  106. @Ray
    Im still praying QC will do a GM Rep or GM guide written by Marin or Kotronias on the Classical Sicilian.

    I doubt they’ll be answered 🙁

  107. I’m not happy with the layout of Thinkers Publishing either. Difficult to point out why, it seems their pages contain more blank space somehow. Still, when I see they plan books by seconds of Morozevich and Topalov about their experiences with their bosses, and by Shirov, Bareev and Van Wely themselves, I know I’ll buy there again. Just love chess biographies 🙂

  108. @ Oscar : yes Dlugy’s book is great but i don’t think it is the right place to speak of Thinkers Publishing ?

  109. @James2
    Nah. I was having too much fun to miss anyone to be honest. I am not the sentimental type. But when I saw Rebecca again, I was quite moved. But two minutes before I did not have any emotions about it.

  110. Is there a way to built our own opening répertoire others Than a ramdom collection of opening books ?
    Il so, could iit be the subject of a future work. ” How to built a coherent répertoire”?

  111. RYV :
    Is there a way to built our own opening répertoire others Than a ramdom collection of opening books ?
    Il so, could iit be the subject of a future work. ” How to built a coherent répertoire”?

    There have been at least a handful of books on that topic, including one being released now. None by QC that I am aware of.

  112. Steve Giddens had one in 2003: How to Build Your Chess Opening Repertoire

    The one that is popping up in my Amazon mailers now is
    How To Study Chess Openings: The Guide by Roman Jiganchine

    The first one was OK.
    I have no knowledge of the 2nd one beyond its existence.

  113. Hi Jacob,

    I think Negi’s Minor openings book seems to be going under the radar a little at the moment so I wanted to as a couple of questions re Negi. Is it likely this book will be out before the end of September and on the presumption that it is, when would you hope the 5th and final book on 1 e4 e5 will be out. Withing 12 months of the publication of book 4?

    Keep up the great work.

    Thank you very much.


  114. I am sure that this is discussed somewhere in this blog or other blog. any plans on Scotch opening?

    I have several Scotch books from other publishers. And I have John’s “Playing 1. e4” book talking about Scotch as part of the book. I really like to see a full book dedicate to Scotch (or Italian since it is popular again recently, thanks to computer and Spanish Berlin Well). I hope Quality Chess has plan to produce a GM repertoire book for Scotch.

    Of course, I am also interested in Spanish opening (from White’s perspective, probably multiple volumes like Negi’s against Sicilian books). But I understand that we already have a lot of books in the market covering various Spanish lines (and the trend in super grandmaster play are Berlin Wall, anti-Berlin, anti-Marshall – very boring now). So I am not so eagle to read new Spanish books.

  115. @Stephen Jiang
    John Shaw’s recent QC book advocates Scotch as white and the the 1 e4 e5 book by QC presumably has black lines for the Scotch.
    Those books are both less than 2 years old.

  116. RYV :
    Is there a way to built our own opening répertoire others Than a ramdom collection of opening books ?
    Il so, could iit be the subject of a future work. ” How to built a coherent répertoire”?

    Gustafsson has a video on exactly that on chess24.

  117. @Kassy
    I agree – Shaw’s lines in the Scotch are very good and interesting; I don’t see the added value of another book so short after this one.

  118. @Ray
    Yes, if you want a dedicated book on the Scotch just rip out the minor lines and caro-kann sections of John’s book as that section is a book in its own right.

  119. still waiting for d4 d5 or QGD book by Nikos… hope we are not too far from it.

    btw, i have a question about the e4 e5 book. How does it compare to Bologan’s book ? i’d like to play some spanish opening with black…but as usual, 90% of the time we don’t even come to 3.Bb5 . king gambit, Vienna game; center gambit; italian, ponziani, evan’s gambit…..

  120. @RYV:
    Well there’s no free lunch. If you want to play the Sicilian, you must be able to cope with the Alapin, the Grand Prix, the Closed Sicilian, the KIA and Second Move Alternatives like 2.d3, 2.b3, …
    Maybe the Caro-Kann is a bit less work …

  121. Once a FIDE master told me that to win with white 1.e4 is much superior to the rest of moves, whose game is not dynamic …
    It was in 2011

  122. @RYV
    I have the Ruy books by both authors….they both seem to be very good…..only one problem, I haven’t found the black side of the Ruy Lopez to be much fun……one inaccuracy and your defence can be pretty difficult.

    Petroff is much more stress free particularly against stronger players!

  123. Ok.. but will you recommand this books to prepare against non Bb5 lines ?or do you it is worth getting one KG, one for Vienna, one for Italian…..

  124. Jose :
    Once a FIDE master told me that to win with white 1.e4 is much superior to the rest of moves, whose game is not dynamic …
    It was in 2011

    Well, one gm told me once that 1.e4 is already weakening the kingside, thus compromising king safety so that 1.d4 is clearly a better move.

  125. @RYV

    You need to be happy that in a repertoire style book the lines the author recommends suit your style and are what you are looking for (e.g tree style analysis or complete games) . So whilst I think the books you mention are very good (there are two volumes in the Bologan series-Open and Ruy Lopez whereas Nikos covers both in the one volume) I suggest that you spend a little time looking at the pdf extracts the publishers produce and perhaps some book reviews before making your decision so that you ensure you buy what is best for you…..

  126. I have noticed that one line that Nikos does not cover in his 1 e4 e5 book involves the Italian game with 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 d2 Be7 and some mixture of Nbd2/Nf1/h3/g4 Ng3 and delaying castling with some type of kingside hack in mind. Please correct me if I am wrong and direct me to the appropriate page…

  127. @RYV
    Now I am trying:
    1. Nf3, d5 2.d4 transposing to lines 1.d4 (Slav, Semi Slav or Catalan…) 1. Nf3, Nf6 2.c4 (Grunfeld Russian, KI, Nimzo Engish 4. Qd3, Symmetrical English with an early d4…)
    I think it’s good…

  128. One of the those fellows in the 1920s, I think it was Grunfeld (but maybe Samisch) said after e4 White is in serious trouble. Having said that, Fischer was pretty much an e4 guy.

  129. 1.e4 and Black is lost
    Or 1.d4 and Black is lost
    Fischer, I think, about 1.e4
    I don’t remember the name of the other Grandmaster about 1.d4

  130. ‘1.e4 – Best by Test’ (Fischer).

    But you can just look in the MegaBase which opening move scores best statistically. On the other hand, I think it’s best just to pick the move which best suits your style. E.g. 6.Be2 against the Najdorf is not objectively the strongest move, but Karpov never lost a single game with it – because it suits his style so well.

  131. Well, I dare to disagree… For example, if you like tactical, open games it’s better to open with 1.e4 than with 1.d4. Another example: if you have a preference for material and don’t mind being in the defensive, you might play the Najdorf Poisoned Pawn, but others will absolutely dislike that. If it were only about the strength of the individual moves everyone would basically play the same openings.

  132. @RYV
    Brain scan of Bologan`s while telling him the words “Marshall Attack” or “Breyer Defense” would probably show something like midnight sylvester eve in Hongkong. This energy is in the books, for every opening you get two alternatives. It is KG accepted and declined, Breyer and Marshall, Italian and Two-Knights etc., in great detail. Nikos` book is slower, less information per page, more verbal explanation, full game analysis. Much more homogeneous. It is a different approach addressing different groups of players.

  133. I just bought Bologan’s new book on the KID, but I have to say I’m not that enthousiastic about it. Compared to Kotronias, Bologon primarily quotes games, and gives far less own analysis. In my opinion, in this day and age this method is not good enough anymore.

  134. @Ray
    Did you have the earlier version from chess stars? From the excerpt it looked to be a very lightly updated version of that……something (if correct beyond the excerpt) I thought was very poor in general, and also vs QCs output.

  135. @Paul H
    I agree – it’s presented as something new and breakthrough, but actually it seems like a slight update of the Chess Stars book. NIC publish some nice books, but in general I don’t like their advertising blurbs – too ‘American’ for my taste I guess.

  136. I am excited about John Shaw’s “Playing 1. e4” book as I have the first one and it’s excellent. I know it has been mentioned before what he recommends against the French, but I wonder what he will recommend against the Sicilian. I am guessing either Be2 lines or Be3 (English Attack) lines vs most Sicilian setups.

  137. @Ray #259, I think Bologan makes it very clear int he preface/introd that it is a “2ed’ of the earlier Chess Stars book. Having said that, I have only read through the material that was available as a preview and not actually read the book itself. Not sure whether that was changed.

  138. @ kstevens

    Lines with Bc4 would also be a serious candidate.

    @ Steven S

    For non-German speakers: Sylvester is German for New Year’s eve.

  139. Well , a good question about books and multiple editions is :
    When and Why is a second edition worthwhile. What must be added to the previous one ?

  140. Jacob Aagaard

    @The Doctor
    Likely sales. This amazing book has not been as popular with the ladies as it deserves. It is probably our best black repertoire book, but somehow it is not a Radio Friendly Unit Shifter…

  141. Jacob Aagaard

    Often it is a combination of stock running out and time having passed, giving us a chance to do something nice.

  142. @ Michael

    In my opinion yes (since the Open Spanish is not played that often) – this is indeed an amazing book and one of the best from the GM series. In my view the most important reason for the low sales are simply that the Open Spanish is not that popular. I don’t understand the reasons for this, since i.m.o. it’s much more fun for black than the Breyer or other Closed Spanish tortures – and it’s totally sound. Another big advantage is that you cut out a lot of early deviations by white, since the Open Spanish starts on move 5 rather than move 9. The only drawback I can see is that it’s quite a lot of theory.

  143. @Ray
    I agree, also I don’t think Miklahevski could write a bad book if he tried. The minor openings book is a gem too.

  144. ‘Thinking Inside the Box’ excerpt looks great! Any news about new Axel Smith’s book?

    thanks, S.

  145. Hard Truther

    GM 13 is fine work. Open Spanish ha long been preferred lines vs. The Ruy. I still lament there was not a detailed offering here on the Dilworth, which I prefer over the Bf5 lines but also realize by his not going there, it maintains an ‘off the radar’ quality for surprising some opponents.

    I also enjoy Nikos books but that line against the Ponziani is just asking too much in a practical repertoire. He seems a little over in love with engine proofs being having more priority than pragmatic choices. I say ‘cuidado’ on some of us stuff as it has not been so well tested on high level battlefields.

    The Shaw stuff, especially on the Scotch, is a fine vintage as well.

  146. The Bad Bishop

    As pointed out in the introduction of ‘Thinking Inside the Box’ – we can’t all be super-talents like Nihal Sarin, but we can aspire to finding a niche a few levels lower like Jacob Aagaard and still earning the coveted title of GM (Grunt Master).

  147. Is this a typo or does the paperback version of “Thinking Inside the box” is really to be published by April 2018 ? I’ve bought the whole Grandmaster preparation series in paperback binding and I still want to do the same for the last one !

  148. Hi Jacob,

    Hope this is not considered too cheeky, but when “Thinking Inside the box” is published, is there any chance there will be a special offer for the whole HB series, similar to the Yussupov series?


  149. Michael :
    Re your comments on the Open Spanish….are the lines in this book still relatively current ??

    Open spanish is my favourite opening book by qc- has never lt me down and it has been tested online and over the board. Not sure why it is so unfashionable and this is also true when you play it over the board at my level of ability. After knocking out the first 5 moves in a flash almost everyone pauses when you play ….Ne4 and in my experience are more likely to bottle out and play 6. Re1 rather than play the d4 mainline. agree with Ray that you only need to learn a line against the exchange and 5.d3 as well rather than say Bologan/Marin/Kaufman who choose systems such as Breyer Zaitsev Marshall and Chigorin when you need to learn all the other deviations on the way to the mainline. In the open main line almost all the major opening choices are by black as he is forcing the play to make up for his dodgy pawn structure. You can even avoid the exchange if you opt for the Berlin move order 3…Nf6 4. 0-0 Nxe4 5. d4 a6 when 6.Ba4 transposes as the none of the alternatives as white seem critical.
    I too was diappointed Mikhavelevski did not choose it but if you want to play the Dilworth, even though the old Korchnoi Informant monographs are dated by age, most of the theory still stands up and you can get the C82 for a fiver second…

  150. … the C82 for a fiver second hand.
    Back to your original question as whether the Open currently stands up, muzychuk had no probs with it in her WC match with Hou but the only line that needs a little attention is the 9.Nbd2 Nc5 10. c3 d4 line when you push the d pawn on to d3- caruana- hou had a big novelty in it at the Gashimov memorial last year.

  151. Hard Truther

    In the Open Spanish, the 9. Qe2 lines are currently very +/= and are now the critical path thanks to engine improvements for White. Ball is in Black’s court there.

  152. @Hard Truther
    I fI remember correctly Kuzmin wrote an article about it in a recent Chessbase Magazine issue, but i.m.o. it has been repaired already. I don’t think white has more than a draw.

  153. Hard Truther

    Ray: I agree that White should not have ‘more than a draw’ (+/= !) yet I find that Black is close to a ‘grovel’ in the fight for a draw and White has several ways to ‘test’ the position and keep asking tough questions. Really easy for Black to trip and lose footing in a swampy position there.

    If I played 1. e4 as White, I know I would play that line when confronted by the Open Spanish. (Actually, I might be inclined to try some of them new lines from GM Shaw .. !)

    But again, agree, it is +/=, which for me means: White gets to ask the questions, and as tough as they may be, there are satisfactory answers to be found. In the meantime, I will effort to look into that resource you mentioned. Ty on that.

  154. Hard Truther

    No edit key forces me to repost: (Get an edit function!)

    “(Actually, I might be inclined to try some of them new lines from GM Shaw .. !)”

    His lines on the Scotch, that is.

  155. That I have to wait for another year for the paperback-edition of TITB is bad news! I’m very disappointed about this message :-(((

  156. @ John Simmons, see 2017 QC Catalogue.

    I couldn’t find TITB on the ForwardChess-website in the section of coming soon. Is an earlier digital publication off the cards now?
    Thanks as always.

  157. @Hard Truther
    Those Scotch lines are very nice. I’ve played them several times and it’s a bit like you described: objectively it’s probably a draw, but black has to work hard.

  158. Ray :
    @Hard Truther
    I fI remember correctly Kuzmin wrote an article about it in a recent Chessbase Magazine issue, but i.m.o. it has been repaired already. I don’t think white has more than a draw.

    Interested where you think there is a hole in the Qe2 line.. Nothing obvious to me. There is one glaring error in the book in Ch 13 in the 9.Be3 Be7 10.c3 line D3 though

  159. @Ray

    “The Open Spanish is not that popular. I don’t understand the reasons for this, since i.m.o. it’s much more fun for black than the Breyer or other Closed Spanish tortures”

    I have found at my humble level (about 2000) I find the Marshall is a cracking weapon!

  160. @The Doctor
    Do you ever get that on the board? The Marshall always struck me as a rather impractical opening for black, since 90% of the white players avoid it and it’s on the other hand loads of theory. But I could be wrong?

  161. I’ve waited a long time for TITB and now the message, that I have to wait for another year for the paperback-version. I don’t understand this. The hardcover-version of the other books came out first – ok, I understand. But usually the paperback came out only some weeks or a couple of months later.
    Is there a reason for this delay except hoping, that more People will buy the hardcover? I’m very disappointed about this :-(((

  162. Ray :
    @The Doctor
    Do you ever get that on the board? The Marshall always struck me as a rather impractical opening for black, since 90% of the white players avoid it and it’s on the other hand loads of theory. But I could be wrong?

    That’s my experience too. At least 90% anti-Marshall stuff, if not more.

  163. I see a logic in a book proposing both Marshall & Breyer, because I feel Black has to *threaten* somehow to play the Marshall. At least the threat works in tournaments: someone said that no 2600 has lost a single Marshall with Black in the last 6 months, and I’d be curious to see how it works at 2200-2500+. On the other hand, if Black doesn’t play the Marshall, White can just pick a long line that will make Black suffer. In fact, I feel that anyone playing the Breyer or similar long lines with Black has to play them with White as well, which requires enormous dedication.
    Playing the Open instead of Marshall is imho less popular because Black wants to reach slightly worse endings that he knows he can hold: little repay for a long study [By the way, this is just what Nikos advocates for Black vs the Scotch in his 1e4 e5 book]. Really, I would like to know how to play for a win in the Spanish, both with Black and White 🙂

  164. Jacob Aagaard

    We did two great little books that suggested three lines against the same opening. Commercial fiasco. Singular repertoire is what the majority of you want, so we have to abide…

  165. I was looking at my QC-collection, considering the upcoming release – and thought: how is Jacob going to fit “Thinking inside the box” on the side of the cover? 🙂

  166. Already 100 pages in and browsed through other chapters; don’t need much reflection to call this book a masterpiece. It will certainly change my approach and do good things for me. Thanks Jacob.

  167. Does anyone else remember the good old days when QC was still publishing printed books?
    Everything was better in the past!

  168. Congratulations to Jacob for finishing his grandmaster preparation Series! It is a fantastic work and great achievment! I think the influence of this series of Books in Chess Training can only be compared to the Dvoretzki Series of the 90s/early 2000
    Eager to get my copy of TiTB

  169. Jacob, elsewhere in this blog you suggested in quite some detail a required playing strength to work through the grandmaster preparation series. It depended a bit on the title, however, I guess it was something about 2200 FIDE minimum.
    What is the required level of the audience addressed by TITB ?

  170. Based on the pdf extract from TITB: Even though it’s being published last, would it be fair to say, that this book is actually a great starting point for the whole Grandmaster Preperation series? And that it can maybe used as a single volume comprehensive chess improvement source, even if one won’t necessarily get any of the other volumes (in particular for players below 2000)? A little bit like A. Smith’s Pump Up Your Rating (not in terms of the actual content, but in terms of the book’s target audience and goal)?

  171. Bought TITB on Forward Chess as soon as I saw it. Congrats to @Jacob Aagaard on finishing his series.

    How close is e3 Poison to being released on Forward Chess? I keep checking every day….

  172. Is publication of the hardcover of TITB also under way? Or will it be released together with some other book(s)?

  173. Would GM Repertoire 2A be Gruenfeld, KID, Dutch or other Black’s defenses?
    Perhaps someone asked or the brief content was mentioned but I cannot find it. Thanks.

  174. TITB in hardcover 7.June???
    Who can wait so long…
    Propably i will end buying it in hardcover and on forwardchess

  175. @Hysan Wong

    GM 2A will focus on the Grunfeld and King’s Indian.

    It may also include some other minor system such as 1…d6, which is related to the KID, but it depends a bit on the length of the book. We hope to finish with GM 2A and 2B having a similar number of pages, but it requires some guesswork.

  176. @Andrew Greet
    This is a great news that 2A will be KID and Gruenfeld! I am about to take a look on Saemisch systems and possibly switch to it if I waited for too long.

  177. @Thomas

    I see it’s gone from Spring 2017 now to Summer 2017. Mark my words it will probably be 2018 if we’re lucky. I mean it’s been delayed 5 yrs or so what’s difference will another year make!

  178. @The Doctor
    A part of me actually enjoys this eager anticipation I’m experiencing – can only be compared to waiting for Winds of Winter;) (Having said that, holding it in my hands before the start of next season wouldn’t be that bad…) Part 1 was just fantastic, I’m sure it’s wort the wait. Keep up the great work!

  179. @Dachs
    Yeah but would be nice to get Playing 1.e4 before the new season stars in Autumn!
    I can live without Playing 1.d4 d5 as Playing the Ragozin in outstanding!

  180. @TheDoctor

    I would bet a $1,000 volume 2 of Playing e4 is 2018 or later rather than this year. I am also waiting for negi’s final volume ( 1.e4 e5 Spanish) and I think it likely beats playing e4 to print.

  181. It’s shocking to notice almost non-existent quality literature about the most played and strongest Sicilian.
    Please hire MVL, we need a GM repertoire on the Najdorf!

  182. I am enjoying the Avrukh series and despite its high level (as a 140 ECF), I am finding myself adopting the lines more and more as I understand the openings. Is there and indication of what 2A covers please?

  183. Jacob: Ari’s shop is a Swedish one. “chess” is spelled “schack”, not “sjakk” – which is Norwegian. You really should know that 🙂

    That said, I’ll wait for John’s 2nd 1.e4 book to arrive before I order TITB, because I need that book (I’ll buy “… Gambit Play” as well) to qualify for a free one. So, 2018 I’ll place my order with QC.

  184. Jacob Aagaard

    Yeah, well, it was late and a long week :-). And of course I know that, I was just working on something Norwegian at the same time…

  185. @NajdorFan
    I disagree – the book by Georgiev (Quality Chess) and the book of Andrasian (New In Chess) are both high quality in my opinion. There are plenty of other important openings which have had poorer coverage in recent years (for example the Queen’s Indian and several other Sicilians from black’s point of view).

  186. The Sharpest Sicilian (2012) and Winning with the Najdorf (2013) are full of harmless/busted lines, literally unplayable today (especially in the PP they are recommending). Unfortunately the book by QC (Ftacnik) is outdated as well and also I don’t like most of his repertoire choices.
    So please, we need the Delayed PP, the Ng4 stuff and the Be6-Be7-0-0-b5-b4 shenanigans from MVL! GM Repertoire – The Strongest & Greatest Sicilian 😀
    I would pay hundred thousand euros for his analysis!

  187. @NajdorFan
    That might be not enough to make a Super-GM write an opening book on one of his active weapons. Adding the hours the GM spend on the repertoire plus potential price money and future rating points, the next candidates being ante portas… I really hope that 100k is not enough.

  188. The problem of so many variations is that, past a certain point they become nearly infinite (not literally but nearly in a practical sense especially with conventional time restraints, etc. ) and so unless you are Data the android from Star Trek Next Gen or a Demi-god with infinite or nearly perfect photo memory, there is little value in trying to memorise long and complex lines. Aside from the fact that nearly no Super GM or even humble CM gets their exact “homework” played against them (rarely) is beside the point. You could not possibly remember every variation accurately. Save your 100k Euros Najdorf fan! You will never be near MVLs level unless you are secretly a top 10-20 player already. Cheers!

  189. @NajdorfFan
    Do you maybe know why the Delayed poisoned pawn is so popular today? There are no clear advantage over the normal PP. There is an extra option against the f5 line. But this can’t alone can’t be the advantage, because I think White’s extra option of 9.a3 is quite interesting for him. Hope anyone can help

  190. I wonder if you take the fact into account that some people want to change their repertoires during the summer off-season, for example, to a d4+c4+e3-based setup? 🙂 Other book publishers concentrate on Christmas gifts, maybe you could concentrate on late May/early June publishing?

  191. Leko gave a good explanation of the shift to the Delayed PP during the Grenke coverage, but I’d never be able to dig it up now.

  192. Any projections for publishing the first books in the “From The Scratch” series?

    End of 2017 or 2018 maybe?

  193. OK, with TITB published and Kotronias excerpt out, it should by the e3 poison next. Hopefully very soon…:)

  194. @Jacob Aagaard
    I would gladly settle for updates in volume 6 for the previous volumes, as needed. But then again, I bought the first 4 volumes mainly to satisfy my OCD. I just don’t want the previous volumes to be obsolete by the time the last one comes out.

    Others might be more serious players, and want updates sooner, I dunno…

  195. Think the idea of including up-dates on the previous Kings Indian volumes in this last volume is great….I will be interested to see whether GM Kotronias has included anything on the line in chapter 29 of volume 1, page 493, variation D where after 12…Bxd4 13 b4 just seems to leave black with a miserable position….

    Also like the idea of the two move options in the Saemisch chapters 27 & 28.

  196. The c5-variation against the sämisch is really the best line theorethically so I am very happy with this.
    I have the four previous volymes, so this will complete the repertoire.

    Kotronias has chosen variations that fits me very well.
    I will use all the variations that he recommends. He has great taste!
    This is rare. In most opening books there is always some varitions that is recommended by the author that does not appeal.

    Now he will have time to write about the classical Sicilian with the Kozul-variation included.

  197. Planning to use the stonewall Dutch as my solid choice against 1.d4, 1.c4, 1. Nf3 and 1.g3(my aggressive options are the KID and the Leningrad Dutch) .
    Against 1.d4 I will play 1.-f5 since I do not play the french. I am a bit concerned about the solidity against the anti-dutchl ines 2.Bg5, 2.Nc3 and 2.e4. What are your suggestions against these lines? The others like 2.g4, 2.h3, 2.Qd3 are not very scary in my opinion, they just leads to good play for black.

  198. What do you think of the 1.-g6 moveorder to reach the KID after 1.d4 if you have the modern defence in your repertoire? By playing 1.-g6 black avoids the Trompowsky, Torre and Veresov. Are there any drawbacks apart from that the status of the KID is probably a little higher than the modern?

    Also it is possible to use the Leningrad Dutch if white is aiming for the fianchetto variation after for instance 1. d4, g6 2.c4, Bg7 3.Nf3, d6 4.g3, f5.

  199. Jacob Aagaard

    I am not a specialist at all. But my Stonewall book from 2000 is still the best one out there (and no, I get no royalties from its sales anymore).

  200. @Jacob Aagaard

    Hehe you are not a specialist, you just wrote a book about it.
    I must confess that I have not read your Stonewall book.
    I am relying on the book by Johansen, Agdestein and Bern.

    For an opening like the Stonewall it makes sense to read older books since the theory is not as important as the understanding of plans and pawn structure.

    It really is an ideas opening. Sometimes this term is misused but not regarding the Stonewall. I will take a look at your book. Thanks for the advice.

  201. @Bebbe
    You should have a look at M.Gurevich ´s move order when playing the Leningrad .
    Concerning Stonewall , i had very good results with it in rapid games , even at GM level , but i strongly dislike facing Avrukh’s recommandation ( no fun for black even if it is playable ) and aboie all the d4/c4/Nc3 move order with Bf4 and i think it is nearly unplayable here .

  202. @John Shaw

    Thank you guys for your work regarding the books and the blog, I really appreciate the effort.

    Just after John posted, I remembered a Question I had a while ago.
    In Playing 1.e4 (V 1) on page 126 the game continuation was 12…Qxe5+?. John (you) wrote “12…Qxd5!N was essential. After 13. Ngf3 White remains two pawns down, but I believe his lead in development should allow him to equalize eventually. I could do yet more analysis, but this book must be printed now!”

    This passage felt a bit strange to me. A critical line is mentioned, which starts relatively early, in which white is still material down but should “equalize eventually” whithout further analysis provided.

    I did not know what to make out of it, as I am a Caro-Kann player myself. Is this line somewhat dangerous for Black in practical play or what is the statement you wanted to make here. It sounds to me a litte bit like “oh well yeah black is fine here but white too if he can show compensation, but we don’t have time to look at it”

    I don’t want to blame someone or criticise it as sloppy or anything, I like the book very much, but from Black’s point of view this question simply won’t let me rest without asking.

  203. @Pinpon

    I think M.Gurevich has played 1.-d6 against 1.d4 and then f5 later if white is not playing e4.
    But this only helps if black intends to play the Leningrad Dutch.

    Have you read the Diamond Dutch? I think Moskalenko have showed equaility against the Avrukh line against the Stonewall but I admit the Avrukh line is a dangerous option.

    Against the d4/c4/Nc3 move order with Bf4 black should play Bb4 instead of d5 aiming for Nimzo play. Black has to be flexible and sometimes deviate from the stonewall setup.

  204. I wanted to ask if there was any update on when we might hope to be holding Negi 5, Playing 1 d4 d5 and also Playing 1 e4 vol.2 in our hands?


  205. @Bebbe
    Gurevich played 1.d4 d6 2.Nf3 f5 and answered the critical 3.Nc3! with 3…d6-d5!? entering a Stonewall structure… But this is an uphill-struggle.

    When it comes to anti-dutch systems, the improved From`s gambit 1.d4 f5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.e4 fe 4.Bg5 Nc6 5.d5 might be challenging.

    W.r.t. Avrukh`s latest recommendations against the Stonewall, this happened after the Moskalenko book and I believe the Stonewallers still searching for counter-measures.

  206. Jacob Aagaard

    Yes, it is the introduction in my book that makes it worth all the money. If you read German, we have an updated version. Everyman decided not to publish the updated one.

  207. @Bulkington
    I agree, the moverorder Gurevich is playing is not very impressive. The moveorder I proposed is better if the KID and the modern are in ones repertoire.

    The antidutch you mentioned is really the Staunton gambit and is clearly dangerous especially 5.-Ne5 6.Qe2!

    Yes you are probably right about the Avrukh line. I only own GM-repertoire 2 and dont have the updated book.

  208. Jacob Aagaard

    Andrew is getting on well with editing Nikos’s book and we have a lot done of Playing 1.e4 vol 2. Negi – we will see after the exams I guess.

  209. @LaurentF
    GM repertorire 1B, chapter 10.
    BTW, this is a d4-c4-Nf3-e3 solution, as everything Avruhkh recommends against the Slav, probably not much to improve here for the moment… I am really curious about the Smith book.

  210. …you find the Avrukh`s setup against the Stonewall in the PDF excerpt of the GM 1B on the QC homepage

  211. @picsou
    No. It has been mentioned before in other threads that book 5 will be on the minor openings and that the 6th and final book will be on 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 so that should mean Latvian, Elephant, Petroff, etc and then the Ruy Lopez.

    I’m really looking forward to the 6th volume as the coverage for white on the Spanish has been light in recent years, while the black coverage has had quite a number of books published on various systems.


  212. Leaf :
    For the book Pirc by Marin, will it cover 1. e4 d6 2. f4 … ?
    What about other 2nd moves … ?
    Thanks …

    I was wondering about this too as Kornev in his black repertoire book does cover them…


  213. @Bebbe
    Imo another valid move order is 1.d4 d6 2.Nf3 g6. After c4 at some point black can enter the Leningrad Dutch, whereas after 3.Nc3 he can enter the Pirc with 3…Nf6. Of course this requires that one has the Pirc in one’s repertoire 🙂

  214. Dave :
    I would bet a $1,000 volume 2 of Playing e4 is 2018 or later rather than this year. I am also waiting for negi’s final volume ( 1.e4 e5 Spanish) and I think it likely beats playing e4 to print.

    I agree 100% with this unfortunately! From what I can gather all we hear is lots of Playing 1.e4 is
    done. What they are not saying is that there is a hell of a lot still to do! But hey they owe us nothing do well just have to be patient I guess.

  215. Am I the only one here who would literally buy those guys a room and unlimited food and drinks to lock them there with the unfinished books till they are ready? I can’t wait to hold Nikos Playing 1.d4 d5 in my hands…

  216. I also can’t wait and I’ am also disappointed because Nikos delivered the material as I unterstand back in January and it is still unclear when it will appear…. Also there seems a new policy that there are no new scheduls anymore. I always liked that….

  217. @picsou
    John Shaw wrote:

    “Negi 5 is planned as “1.e4 vs. Minor Defences” while Negi 6 is planned as the 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 book.”

    So, minor defences means anything other than 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 that hasn’t already been covered in a previous book.

  218. @The Doctor

    Hi Doc,

    How long did you play the Schliemann for? What made you switch? I play the Alekhine but am thinking of playing 1…e5 instead, would you recommend it for a 1500 player looking to get into e5?

  219. Jacob Aagaard

    There were a lot of holes in what Nikos delivered that he has been told to fill and has filled. We are talking 8-10 weeks till publication.

  220. @Jacob Aagaard
    Could you remind me how it works with publication dates? Was not in FAQ and I have forgotten.
    My vague memory is the date you quote is the date it is scheduled to be in chess shops, with web orders typically going out a few days before from your website. Eg Thinking Inside the Box is expected to be at Chess and Bridge in London on 7 June, but if I order from you as a set of 3 for free shipping should typically be a few days before via your shipping guys in Poland? Am I right?

  221. I am excited about GM2A ‘s recommendation against Panno (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 0-0 5.Nf3 d6 6.0-0 Nc6 7.Nc3 a6). Would Avrukh still advocate 8.Qd3 which gave me some memorable games, or switch to other powerful moves?

  222. I wanted to Thank Quality Chess for taking the time to deiliver great books. I have the first book on Playing 1. e4 and love it. It is truly fantastic. The suspense is killing me though on what to expect in the second book on the Sicilian and French. Is there any hope, even a small one, we can get a hint as to what is recommended against the Sicilian Najdorf?

  223. @Ray

    Your moveorder is also good to reach the Leningrad dutch.
    There is also the possibility to play 3.-d6 after 3.Nc3 and transpose to the modern defence.
    No need for the Pirc.

    Looking forward to the GM repertoire Pirc by Marin.
    I think he will recommend 5.-0-0 6. Bd3, Na6 against the Austrian attack.

  224. Ah, to answer my own question I now see there is a search function and my memory is correct.

    “‘Published on June 29’ means that is the first day it will be in chess shops. We generally send out books bought from our website as soon as possible, so if you happen to live somewhere with a quick postal service, you might get lucky and receive the book just before the publication date. “

  225. Confused_by_Theory


    Very happy to see Marin write about the Pirc. Would it be possible to get some inkling of how the writing/editing process is going?

    Also. Anything interesting to note about any of the actual lines chosen? (^_^)

    I am hoping for combative stuff with (6…a6 classical), (5…0-0 6.Bd3 Na6 Austrian), (4.Be3 a6) and some lines that help you if you want to move order the 4.Bg5 Pirc by waiting with Nf6. I don’t know Marin’s approach at all though.

    To say something more. By best estimate there are about 157 dubious Pirc lines/continuations I hope not to see in the book. No pressure though. Regardless however many that actually do appear (maybe none!) I am sure they will be a lot fewer than in most other recent Pirc books. Authors, to my mind, often struggle picking the best lines and continuations amongst the commonly quite large amount of possible moves and setups in the Pirc. With Marin as author though and you guys at QC who go over the book and sometimes even produce updates after publication it should be an absolutely great and probably theoretically very good book. Can’t wait.

    Keep up the good work!

  226. @Mark
    Schliemannnis great but maybe not do much against a booked up opponent. I’d win quickly pretty much all the time against weaker players but the better players I played I found I hit difficult positions!

    I prefer the Marshall or the Breyer these days.

  227. @Confused_by_theory

    No need to avoid the 4.Bg5 variation of the Pirc, since black has equal play in the line with …Qxf2 (as John Shaw admits in his 1.e4 book).

  228. @Confused_by_theory

    I agree, the Na6 against the Austrian is very combative.
    Would be nice if Marin covers the moderna moveorder, but I doubt it.
    It will probably be the pure Pirc moveorder.

  229. @ Bebbe

    1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.Bg5 Bg7 5.Qd2 c6 6.Bh6 Bxh6 7.Qxh6 Qa5 8.Bd3 c5 9.d5 Nbd7 10.Nf3 c4! 11.Bxc4 Qc5 12.Bd3 Qxf2+ 13.Kxf2 Ng4+ etc. The best white can reach (according to John Shaw) is a knight ending with an engine evaluation of ‘0.0’, but an asymmetrical pawn structure.

  230. By the way, I don’t trust …Na6 against the Austrian. I would either go for 5…c5 or 6…Nc6. I really like Tiger’s recommendations in the latter variation. Since this line was also extensively covered in the recent book by Kornev (Chess Stars) I think the chance is low that Marin will recommend 6…Nc6 as well. So my bet is on 5…c5.

  231. @Ray

    5…c5 would also be fun and is ok for me.
    It leads to very tactical play.
    The drawback is that White has a forced draw in the line
    6. Bb5+, Bd7 7.e5, Ng4 8.e6, fxe6.

    I don’t like 6.-Nc6 for subjective reasons.
    I think it is a bit static and that black should aim for c5 against the Austrian.
    This can be done with:

    1. 5.- 0-0 6.Bd3, Na6 7.0-0, c5
    2. 5.-c5
    3. Tigers modern, if black plays the modern moveorder

  232. Good afternoon Quality Chess HQ,

    I thought I’d ask, how far away are we from Marin’s Pirc book (I’m thinking this might be out before Christmas, if not in the New Year) and will it include 1 e4 d6 2 x(non d4) and also 1 e4 d6 2 d4 Nf6 3 x(non Nc3)?

    Thank you.


  233. Lasker :
    I am curious. Is there a rough estimate about the page-count of playing 1.d4 d5?

    I’d guess at least 400 based on page count of Playing 1.e4 e5

  234. I have the first game of the summer season coming up. I have white and if I don’t win tonight, I wish to sue QC for damages for depriving me of the e3 poison repertoire. Anyone else wants to join a class-action suit?

    (the above is just a bad attempt at satire from a big fan of QC. please don’t counter sue me.)

  235. The first time I heard from the QC guys that e3 excerpt is about to appear in two weeks time was on 19th April…:))

  236. OK I drew in a won position. I wish I could blame it on the e3 delay (I played some kind of 4PA), but shockingly, this 1800 game was decided by tactical oversights.

  237. I think it’d be a good idea if, instead of a full publishing schedule, QC would just say which book or maybe two books will go to the printer next. And then update it after that happens. I think most of the time you can predict that accurately, and everything else is a lot harder.

  238. Dear John and Jacob,

    Is there any chance that QC would publish a book on Accelerated Dragon in the future … ?

    Thanks …

  239. I was just wondering when Avrukhs’ 2A book and a new pubishing schedule will be published?Is 467 comments a new record?!

  240. @Jacob Aagaard

    Do you know whether we will see “Technical Decision Making in Chess” this year?

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