Not a memorable game, but…

Andrew and I played the Glasgow League last night. Andrew played something that had the feeling of being a novelty on move 3, but Morozevich had been there first. He may want to play it again, so no spoilers.

I played board two and got nothing from the opening. I tried a pawn sacrifice that does not really work on closer inspection, but with an hour for 30 moves and 15 for the rest, it makes sense to play a bit loosely. I won the exchange and played the technical phase as it should be done. Slow improvement and full control. On move 40 I got the chance for a nice finish.

White to play and win in more ways than one!

Andrew sadly lost, the match ended 4-4 and with it our hopes went from dead to buried. The league score can be found on

8 thoughts on “Not a memorable game, but…”

  1. Saw the motif in the initial context, but not in the simpler way you played it Jacob, which would have saved a few anxious minutes at the board!

  2. Nice finish Jacob: thanks for playing. As you say that ends the push for the title this year; we’ll be back stronger next season.

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