GM Swapnil Dhopade will be joining 365 Chess Academy for a lecture based on his book, Playing the Petroff, published in July.
The session will take place on Monday the 31st of August, 14:30 UK time.
For those of you interested in attending, we have made arrangements for a few free spots. You will need a Zoom account to attend the class.
All you have to do is send a message to 365ChessAcademy (a), or use the template on the website or send a message on their Facebook page.
Hope he’ll repeat the famous statement by Karpov on the Petrov (aka Russian game): “Black can’t win, but White can lose!”.
I thought it was a Cruijff-quote: Italians cannot beat you, but you can lose to them 🙂
It was a first class session if only to watch the Cochrane Gambit under stress. Very interesting indeed. May well purchase the book.
I can recommend it – it’s a great book i.m.o.! Not too overwhelming (though sufficiently detailed in the critical lines such as 5.Nc3) and lots of explanatory text. The only drawback that was mentioned on this blog is that there are some forced draws, but I think it’s rather unlikely to encounter these in a actual over the board game on club level.
I wish I could buy this single lecture without subscribing.
If you look at the price of the 365Academy compared to the price of the various other on-line subscription courses, this is a bargain. I am an initial subscriber since January. Very strong student base mostly in the 2000 – 2400 level. At the new prices, it is $14 per week and you are getting 6-8 hours of lessons per week. Sam’s break down of technical rook endings is impressive. Sam just described the ins and outs of the semi-slav in the recent game Bacrot-Korobov in 60 minutes in terms of why White and Black want certain piece placements that you would have to read books for a month to understand what he explained in under an hour. You get feedback from Jacob on weekly problem solving. GM Arizimendi just finished up a fantastic series on material imbalances plus much more. I would try it out for 1 month, which will cost you exactly what 1 book would cost. In this time of COVID, the ability to interact with other ambitious Chessplayers on a global basis is a nice thing. Of course it takes away from my time to read all the books I just ordered from QC in the last couple weeks…
I know it is probably very good but I think I’m too weak for the academy. Maybe I should try it once for a month but all I can find is 99$ for one month, that is way more than a book.
I own his…