
Today is my final day at Quality Chess! I have chosen today as the day I retire. As you will know from earlier announcements, Quality Chess is most certainly continuing, and with increased strength and connections.

Having the option to retire very comfortably at 55 is an incredibly privileged situation, and I am grateful for it. And my plans for retirement? Taking it easy, reading books, maybe some travel… All sounds very civilised to me.

I am sure Quality Chess will go from strength to strength in the coming years, and I would like to thank everyone I have worked with at Quality Chess over the years. There are too many fine QC authors to name individually, while in-house Andrew, Kallia and the also-retired Colin have been excellent long-term colleagues, with Kostis and Bimalka as energetic newer additions. But in particular, I want to thank my (former!) business partner Jacob, without whose prodigious efforts my working life would not have been so interesting and rewarding.

8 thoughts on “R-Day”

  1. Thank you for all your work! Even though Jacob is the face of QC, most of the chess fans certainly know how much you have meant to the success of the company over the years. All the best, John. And hopefully you will publish a fan book for QC enthusiasts once you are getting bored with retirement!

  2. John A Johnson

    Congrats, I am retired from teaching history, I loved that! Retirement is a great thing, if as you noted, you are in a good situation. I enjoy many QC books. Best wishes!!

  3. Rabindra Paul

    Chess players from Ayrshire will always hold you in the highest regard. Maybe you can now turn out for Ardrossan Chess Club!

  4. Sad day for QC and chess fans everywhere. But congratulations on your retirement and thank you for years of wonderful chess books John!

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