The dream of getting a crushing position while still in one’s opening prep is an uncommon occurrence these days, at least at GM level. Most GMs are too well prepared to be caught so readily.
England’s Jonathan Hawkins will be awarded the GM title the next time FIDE does such things, and he is usually excellently prepared, but he had a rare opening accident recently against Hikaru Nakamura in the London Chess Classic Rapidplay.
H. Nakamura – J. Hawkins
London Chess Classic Rapidplay 06.12.2014
1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 Ne4 3.Bf4 d5 4.e3 c5 5.Bd3
5…Nf6 was Avrukh’s recommendation in Grandmaster Repertoire 11 – Beating 1.d4 Sidelines.
6.Bxe4 Qxb2?!
The dubious sign was Richard Pert’s verdict in Playing the Trompowsky.
This “gives White huge amounts of play for the exchange,” said Richard. This game certainly supports that view.
7…Qxa1 8.Nf3 e6 9.Bb3 Nd7
A novelty, I believe, but it changes little. The game Richard quoted was 9…cxd4 as in Stefanova – Grobelsek, Croatia 2003.
White is way ahead on development and the black queen is in trouble.
A better try was 10…Be7 but Black is in trouble anyway.
11.exd4 Bb4 12.Qd3 Qb2 13.c3 Be7 14.Bc1 Qa1 15.Qc2
I have Perts book, started with work on it last week. Its great book. Dont have time to learn all indian defences so I find it very useful. Nice text comments, great lines, always two sides of the coin and two versions of variation, more positional and other more tactical. Have several opening books from quality, but this one is written for more busy people and opening is more dynamic than triangle opening systems which some authors publish for “busy” people.
As it consider Yusupov series, its great cause exercises show on which field should somebody make more work. Im 2100 player but with Yusupov series I found out where are my gaps. Wouldn say that these books, even fundamentals are for players of 1500, but more from 1800 elo.
Great job from you all from quality chess.