Jumping off the bridge

Here it is, I am going to make some accurate predictions about a few future publications. Accurate, in the sense that I will give dates when I believe these books will be out. How accurate this turns out to be only time will tell. So here are my predictions:

29th April
Boris Avrukh’s book Grandmaster Repertoire 1A – The Catalan will be our big release of course. Let me underline again (and again) that this is a new book. Yes, there is a small overlap with the first volume and a few lines that are repeated. But Boris has done the work and fans of the first book should be happy with this book as well.
The other release is a book in the Classics series, Python Strategy (in our opinion a better title than “The Strategy of Soundness”) with collected writings by Tigran Petrosian. We are very happy with this book and we hope you will be too.

20th May
A triple release date. First of all, there is Boris Gelfand’s Positional Decision Making in Chess, which in my honest opinion is a great release. But then I am biased.
Then there is Learn from the Legends – 10th Anniversary Edition by Mihail Marin. This is our most popular book from the first ten years of our company. I hope this new version will find an audience. It deserves it.
Finally, there is a little book by Razuvaev on gambits, called HOOLABALOO in the Classics series.

June somewhere
Another triple publication! Lars Schandorff’s Grandmaster Repertoire 20 – The Semi-Slav, Tibor Karolyi’s Tal’s Best Games 2 – The World Champion and John Shaw’s Playing 1.e4 – Caro-Kann, 1…e5 & Minor Lines.

39 thoughts on “Jumping off the bridge”

  1. “Jumping off the Bridge” after all the “self-help” posts???

    Petrosian, Gelfand and Tal books are very much on my list.

    Will there be much difference between the 10th Anniversary Learn from the Legends and the earlier editions?

  2. Michel Barbaut

    “Finally, there is a little book by Razuvaev on gambits, called HOOLABALOO in the Classics series”
    Can we have a little more explanations ? Theoritical lines ?, study of middle game in gambit openings, etc ? Thanks

  3. @Jacob Will there be a Grandmaster Repertoire 1B or something like that completing Avrukh’s new repertoire? Or is 1A a standalone book?

  4. Great line-up for the coming months! I still have some backlog to buy, and these are also must-buys, so it’s clear where my savings are going the coming months πŸ™‚

  5. I find it rather spectacular that Colin managed to put the post online without checking with John or myself what the name of Razuvaev’s book will be. Or at least inserting it himself. I thought I made it clear in my draft that it had to be checked, with the title I gave it. Apparently not!
    Just for the hell of it, I will leave it over the weekend. Please make a lot of comments about it and then I will take down this point Sunday night (really just kidding!).

  6. I’ve been looking forward to Python Strategy since November. 1, because it’s Tigran Petrosian whom is one of my favorite players. 2, because I know it’s a translation of Strategy of Reliability which I have only found in Russian and can’t read.. But I still don’t know what the book is actually about. Is it just a games collection with Petrosian’s Analysis? Is it Petrosian actually talking about his strategy and approach to chess? The above post said “with collected writings” so I’m assuming that’s an addition to the book. And the description of the book under “coming soon” really doesn’t explain much. What does the book actually discuss?

    As a side note, I’m also looking forward to Positional Decision Making in Chess.

  7. Will Avrukh also recommend g3 against other openings like the Grunfeld and King’s Indian as he did with his older book? I’m a d4 player who would love to add Avrukh’s books to his repertoire as long as they don’t involve g3 πŸ™‚ I know that he won’t have g3 against any slav but it would be great if he also offered a repertoire without g3 against other openings this time.

    I’m guessing that he won’t be giving the line with the bishop on g2 against the Benko since the king walk line gives a bigger advantage.

  8. I would buy any book called HOOLABALOO without a second thought, but I’m dying to know what lines HOOLABALOO will be about.

  9. GHOST-BOOKS: Some ches publishers give a date (or a season) for a book to come out and they don’t comply. YEARS pass and the books don’t see the light. Examples of this are: the two books “Playing 1.e4” John Shaw, “Attacking with the Isolated Queen’s Pawn” John Emms y “Attacking chess: The King’s Gambit” Timothy Taylor. The last thing I knew from these books was Jacob’s comment (Feb.26th.), “No one will believe this, but we will finish this book in March and maybe have it out in April”.
    You’re right, I don’t believe it.

    1. The alternative is of course that we do not answer all the questions about when books will be ready and what we are working on. In that case we would never be wrong…

  10. @Armando Lobato
    Taylor’s KG book is canceled. He and his publisher got into a major pissing contest over something. Details on Taylor’s blog. I think I’ve seen a similar book by Taylor on the NiC release list. Maybe they’ve picked it up.

  11. Shurlock Ventriloquist

    Been playing the Schandorf 1. d4 lines since the books came out with great success so June cannot come quickly enough for me to get hands on the Semi Slav effort.

    @ Fat Cat is Fat re: Benko Gambit and the King walk line. Was playing this but new developments in Benko (See NIC 114) allow Black to avoid the argument entirely and get a solid fighting position. Switched over to the b6 var so will be interesting to see what Avrukh offers here.

    1. Lars sent his final chapter last night. Danny will be the editor of this book (Nikos already helped a lot checking the chess). It will work quite efficiently I expect. So everything is good on this account.

  12. So far it seems like betting on Negi against Shaw would work out. Just a few more “two month” delays and Negi is done first.

  13. Jacob Aagaard :
    The alternative is of course that we do not answer all the questions about when books will be ready and what we are working on. In that case we would never be wrong…

    That would not be good

  14. I would much prefer Quality Chess take a stab at when the books might be out rather than keep everything quiet.

  15. It’s one big marketing trick
    It’s all about keeping the customers interested in your books.
    By reading 10x about Pyrhon Strategy I have become interested in the book.
    Without this blog I would only realize this book wxists during my occasionall visit to the chessbookshop.

    So don’t worry guys, QC will keep us posted.

  16. @Jacob can you give any indication of when we could hope to see Avrukh’s 2nd ed of GM Rep 2? Are we talking Winter 2015 or early/spring 2016? Thanks!

  17. I still wonder about the Razuvaev book. It must be a translation of Encyclopedia gambit from 2007. But it seems a bit odd to translate a book about specific opening lines from (pretty much) the pre-rybka era.

  18. Michael Bartlett

    Jacob – for the love of God – please put us out of our misery and give us a PDF sneak preview for the Python book. Ideally from the ‘squeeze’ section if possible πŸ™‚

    Call it an early Easter present!

  19. Jacob can you tell us exactly what Python strategy is about? Is it just a games collection or is it actually discussing strategy?

  20. As a language point, it may be more appropriate to write of ‘specific’ predictions (in contrast to ‘vague’) rather than ‘accurate’. They may or may not be ‘accurate’, and time will tell.
    *Editor hat off, whimsy hat on*
    Different issue now, but how about a ‘Gorm speaks’ column here? A Caissic Katie Hopkins of sorts. Sure Danny has lots to get off his … chessed.

  21. @Yohan

    I believe the answer in the past has been, “Only the bolded main lines are really necessary to memorize.” And even then, not all of it is necessary…sometimes the author(s) stretch them out 30+ moves just to illustrate a game/make a point.

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