We know there are technical issues and we are working to iron them out. We just wanted to put the unpolished work in progress out as well, rather than keep it behind lock and key.
I had some problems understanding it, but not excessive. On the other hand, I did not watch the Gelfand interview because I was not capable of understanding anything he said 🙁
It’s a nice video format. I hope it gets a bit more traction than blog posts with chess content.
Nikos’ sound is fine now. Jacob was still nearly impossible to undertand at times. If your goal was to improve one step at a time, you have been successful. 🙂
Audio/Video recordings (AVR) are complicated. Live transmission of AVR is even more compliated. Live AVR plus a live screencast, is an outright riddle. Live AVR + screencast using video feeds from multiple countries is into the rhelm of science fiction.
I’m slack-jaw amazed at both the result and effeciency with which it’s achived. Video production typically uses a herd of people (sound engineer, production assistants, producer, videographer, editor, director, etc) and this is done with just Jacob and Nikos!
The plan to improve the sound quality for Jacob’s voice is to record it from his computer. That will yield good sound quality. BUT it may require both Nikos and Jacob to wear ear phones — consider the typical newsreporter reporting live. They’ve got an ear piece and a microphone…this lets the two audio sources (j’s voice and N’s voice) to be isolated from one another and mixed as needed.
At some points Jacob is quite hard to understand, especially if your not a native english speaker or don’t use english every day.
We know there are technical issues and we are working to iron them out. We just wanted to put the unpolished work in progress out as well, rather than keep it behind lock and key.
I had some problems understanding it, but not excessive. On the other hand, I did not watch the Gelfand interview because I was not capable of understanding anything he said 🙁
It’s a nice video format. I hope it gets a bit more traction than blog posts with chess content.
Nikos’ sound is fine now. Jacob was still nearly impossible to undertand at times. If your goal was to improve one step at a time, you have been successful. 🙂
Audio/Video recordings (AVR) are complicated. Live transmission of AVR is even more compliated. Live AVR plus a live screencast, is an outright riddle. Live AVR + screencast using video feeds from multiple countries is into the rhelm of science fiction.
I’m slack-jaw amazed at both the result and effeciency with which it’s achived. Video production typically uses a herd of people (sound engineer, production assistants, producer, videographer, editor, director, etc) and this is done with just Jacob and Nikos!
The plan to improve the sound quality for Jacob’s voice is to record it from his computer. That will yield good sound quality. BUT it may require both Nikos and Jacob to wear ear phones — consider the typical newsreporter reporting live. They’ve got an ear piece and a microphone…this lets the two audio sources (j’s voice and N’s voice) to be isolated from one another and mixed as needed.