Super computer up and running

Quality Chess has joined the arms race and purchased a super computer, kindly assembled by Phil Harris. Our new machine is running at many times the speed of our quad core standard machines and needs a water cooling system to not overheat. Hopefully this will increase the level of our analysis for the future.

I wanted to show you a photo of how the water cooling looks inside, but it was quite low quality and I can’t be bothered to open it again. Sorry.

Update: Photo of the innards of the fancy new computer:

Inside our computer

26 thoughts on “Super computer up and running”

  1. 4.32 Mhz. 6 core. Lots of RAM. Water cooler and three fans. Maybe Jesse knows more. John will put up a photo later – Or I will do it. Don’t know yet…

  2. gulftown processor
    gigabyte board with an x58 chipset
    white primochill pvc hose clips

    John mentioned it plays a very strong game of blitz; I swept the brute, 3-0 (at queen odds).

    the office network has 50x more computing power than it did a year ago. Will be exciting for all of us.

  3. I hate brussel sprouts, but otherwise love my greens. I am a vegetarian, with the main purpose to eat as much veg as possible :-). And chocolate :-(.

  4. I don’t think we will get another title out before Christmas; with the exception that the two Attacking Manuals will be out in hardback in a month (reprinted). We hope to launch them at the London Chess Classic.

  5. Some news about the King’s Gambit project?
    I’m really interested about new ideas and stuff…

    By the way, I really enjoyed the explanations in
    Alterman’s Gambit book, although I knew most of it already, at least
    in the more serious openings like the Panov Attack.It’s nice to reread
    it when its well written.
    Wouldn’t it be an idea to apply that scheme to other openings, in a
    kind of introductory books for readers on the average amateur level?
    Like that ’20 Games in the Nimzo’ approach, but on a higher level an in a more
    consistent way than many of these…

  6. Hi Werner,

    If we were ever to do introduction books (which are not our core strength), it would be a rather different way from what has already been done.

  7. @Jacob Aagaard


    Since you are reading here, and referring to your pub-company, as a reader of chess literature I’d like to ask for a serious work on strategy, but centered aroud typical maneuvers (minirity attacks and pawn brakes, typical sacrifices, rooks on files, bishops on diagonals, knights and pawns coordination, queen first placement and subsequent possibilities, …) and pawn structures, with emphasis on possibilities of relative permutations/traspositions/switching-from-one-to-another in mutating structures of these same motifs as a frame of thinking.

    By books I read around and for what I understand about you and your people’s editorial project, I think that a try for a well categorized work on this topics could be something worth your interest. It seems to me that nobody did a good and working job of this type yet, to the point that Kmoch’s work, though very NOT-complete, is still nowadays the best one try of this type by a reader and amateur chess player point of view.

    Briefly my humble request:
    what you personally did to Vukovic’s “Art of Attack” with your two volumes (so to speak, I’m not sayng your work is not original thinking, reather it has become the new “classic” on that topic), it’d be nice to see it done, by you and/or others quality writers, applied to Kmoch’s “Pawn Power in Chess”, expecially expanding on pieces-pawn group working motifs and possibly on strategic maneuvers taking place in sectors of the board, or in sectors of various pawn structures (so that it’d be possible to apply these ideas on different structures presenting a particular partial conformation: a la Kmoch’s work on half open files, adyacent or not, and related possibilities, to let you know what I’m trying to say).

    Thanks fot the amazing work you’re doing. Keep going!

  8. Jacob,

    Can you tell more about the Anti-Sicilian book?
    Is this an repertoire book for white or?
    And what is the subject of the Popov book.
    Maybe you have already 1000 times answered this question.



  9. Frankfurter Bub

    Over the weekend I got the Scandinavian by Bauer. The itself is quite nice, but most I like the chapter header “Königsspringerzurückhaltungspolitik” 🙂 I really doubt that anyone not perfectly fluent in German I can pronouce this word without at least two twists in the tongue 🙂 🙂

  10. I notice that Boost Your Chess 3 is listed in “coming soon” but not in hardcover. Is that an oversight or does it mean that aren’t plans for a hardcover version?

  11. Looks like its time for another entry into “Are Chess Players Intelligent?” But I swear it wasn’t there when I looked.

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