Special Offers and a Catalogue

We made a slight tweak to our Yusupov Special Offer. Instead of being 9 hardcovers for the price of 7, it’s now 10 hardcovers at 25% off (so a slightly bigger discount than before). The addition is Revision and Exam 1, as the idea of this Yusupov Special Offer was to include all the Yusupov books, and now it does again. Also available again is our Judit Polgar Special Offer, after we reprinted A Game of Queens.

We also printed our 2020 Catalogue – a leaflet showing some of our plans for the year.

22 thoughts on “Special Offers and a Catalogue”

  1. Nice to see GM Smirin will have a new book on the Sicilian. Is this from the White or Black perspective, or both? Will it have a repertoire?

    Analyzing the Chess Mind by GM Gulko and Sneed. How is this different from the 3 books they have already done (Lessons with a Grandmaster)?

    Great to see GM Schandorff is back too! But why is the Caro book not a GM repertoire?

  2. Will GM Schadorff’s book on the Caro have similar lines to his GM Repertoire book, in particular 3…Bf5 against the Advance variation and 3… dxe4 followed by 4….Bf5 against the Main line?

  3. Where is “Grandmaster Repertoire: the london system”?;)

    William :
    Are there going to be Revision and Exam for the blue and green books also?

    There is no such thing on Yusupovs german homepage. Last book was from november 2019 and no new book is proposed for the near future. All that books where first published in german language, then translated and improved by quality chess team (at least the layout is much better and i also think some texts are better readable). Therefore i would wonder if such a book comes from quality chess soon.

  4. Alex Relyea :
    What is “Analysing the Chess Mind” going to be?

    It’s by two authors, Boris Gulko and Joel Sneed. Gulko is of course a famous GM, while Sneed is a professor of psychology. In this book they combine their skills to write about practical chess psychology. I would need to give far more detail to explain all the topics they cover, but that will have to wait until nearer to publication.

  5. William :
    Are there going to be Revision and Exam for the blue and green books also?

    We would like there to be, but as Karl said above, they do not exist yet in German or English. Artur Yusupov also has various other demands on his time, so it’s not clear if he will write those books. So we hope, but can’t promise anything.

  6. Will QC be reprinting early hardbacks that are out of stock?
    Specifically, Marin’s English Rep vol 3.
    I like to have all my titles in hardback and this one has been a fly in the ointment for a while now.

  7. A total duffer here. I’ve been rebuilding my game since I got back into chess – going through lots of very basic tactics in quasi woodpecker fashion. The Chess From Scratch series looks like more of what I need. What’s going to be in them?

  8. Hi, just a question and a request. Do you have a timeline for when Small Steps 2 will be released in softcover? Then from the recent releases of Soviet Outcast, Nemesis etc could I recommend a book on Botvinnik’s games. His 100 best games are still in descriptive notation.

  9. I’m sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but google did not help me – what is the difference between the 3 Yusupov series?

    I am wondering if I just want the more advanced material, whether I should buy the third book from each series, or if it works differently

  10. @Paul

    Orange is the easiest, then Blue, then Green.

    While they claim Orange is 1500 level, Blue is 1800 level, and Green is 2100 level, one can’t really categorize the whole book that way. While they say Orange is 1500, there might be a chapter out of the 24 that is easy to a 1300 player, and another chapter in the same book that is hard for a 1700 player, so those benchmarks should be interpreted loosely.

    Has nothing to do with 1st vs 3rd book in a series. The Orange series is the easiest “relatively speaking” and Green is the hardest (all 3 green books, not just the 3rd).

    1. Jacob Aagaard

      We never claimed that orange is “up to 1500”. Artur did. We erased it as much as we could as it was clearly untrue.

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