Doing something difficult

I put this on Facebook before realising that it also belongs here.

When you are trying to do something really difficult, it is important to use all of the resources and techniques you have available. Here are a few:
1) Have a plan to follow. It does not have to be too tight, for most people it is better if it is not. But something that tells you what the next step is at all possible moments. A simple daily or weekly routine is ideal.
2) Allow it to take the time it takes. As long as you are following your plan, you are succeeding. Putting an arbitrary deadline on your goal will make you a failure until you make it and be dispiriting when you get there.
3) Keep a track of your progress. Where there is a way, there is will. Once you see progress happening, you will get energized.
4) Find ways to improve your habits; use substitutions to change them. If you are fighting yourself, you will have much less time and energy to overcome the challenge of your goal.
5) Make things easy. Find whatever pattern and technique you can to make things easier.
6) You will lose your way. Get back on track quickly. Smokers on average try 8 times before they manage to quit. Overcoming your own bad habits will be hard.
7) Make yourself accountable for others. Ideally, get into a situation where others will gain from your success and lose out in case of your failure. An intelligent bet can solve this.
8) Don’t go it alone. Find someone who can support you. A gently push when you are losing momentum can be the difference between success and failure. Knowing that someone cares is often everyone.
9) Almost forgot. This is probably the most important. When you are working on your goal, you need to work on it with focus and attention. Too many times we watch the clock and think of when we have “done enough”. It is important that you work hard when you work; you can always play hard afterwards. Work before play, baby.
I am 51% of the way to my goal. More than half way. I am very determined. I have a strong routine. I follow it, thus succeeding on a daily basis. I track everything and can see the progress clearly. I have changed a lot of bad habits, not always at the speed I wanted, and not all of them yet, but enough for it to make a difference. I found easy ways to commit and have made it hard to cancel. I don’t stop for a moment when I go in the wrong direction. I turn around and keep focus. I never get disappointed with myself; I know all big achievements come hard. I have found people to help me and as I progress, I tell more and more people about my goal. I have found a World class bet. One I cannot get out of with any dignity without winning it. And someone saw that I was trying hard and took me under the wing. All I had to do was accept the help offered.
The most important point is that it took me six-seven months to get through the first 25% of the goal and six weeks to get through the next 25%. As the routine is getting stronger, as the faith is growing, I am now on a path that will likely lead to success. And beyond.
When I am done, I shall gladly tell you all about it.

9 thoughts on “Doing something difficult”

  1. Er, can we get a new quiz guessing what the goal of Jacob’s program is about?

    My Top 3 guesses
    1. He’s trying very hard to see the light after doing a course on faith healing at Trump university
    2. After solving chess he’s working out a master startegy to be World Champion at Hungry Hippos
    3. He’s working on the final details of a get rich quick scheme- mixing Deep Heat with fake tan for women dressed up for a Saturday night out on a wintry December in Glasgow

    Any other guesses?

  2. There’s only three plausible options…

    1. Installing Windows 10, which explains the 51%.
    2. Laughing himself to death over the Danish Chess Federations new elite project.
    3. Trying to take over the Danish Chess Federation.

    Which one is it?

  3. Rasmus Petersen :
    There’s only three plausible options…
    1. Installing Windows 10, which explains the 51%.

    Clearly not this as 6 months + 6 weeks is not long enough for even Bill Gates to get to 51%.

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