Karpov’s Strategic Wins 2 – The Prime Years and Boris Avrukh Seminar

We are sitting four people in the office far beyond our normal time of departure, fighting to get Karpov’s Strategic Wins 2 – The Prime Years away to the printer this evening. The scheduled publication date of the 29th of April remains realistic. The first volume has already been printed, so there are no issues there.

At the same time we have just agreed a four day seminar in Glasgow from the 5th to the 8th of May with Grandmaster Boris Avrukh. He will lecture on issues from the opening and middlegame – ‘but tell them, no endgames!’.

The price for participating will be 120 pounds for all four days, with a discount of 50% for everyone wanting to come from outside Scotland to follow the lectures. If we have more than 20 full price paying participants, a copy of any of Boris’ four books (including Experts on the Anti-Sicilian, shipping to stores today, where Boris wrote a small chapter) will be given to each participant. Those wanting the Grunfeld book will have to wait until it is released on the 3rd of June (hopefully).

A more detailed announcement will follow.

18 thoughts on “Karpov’s Strategic Wins 2 – The Prime Years and Boris Avrukh Seminar”

  1. The details about the Avrukh seminar will come on Tuesday.

    Just now I uploaded Karpov 2. 576 pages. It will be out in 19 days, in shops in 23-24, in the US around the 25/26th.

  2. Have you considered broadcasting it via the web for those of us who can’t get to Scotland? Obviously you can charge viewers for the privilege of learning from Avrukh, and I imagine you could fairly easily set something up (via Skype?) where we could follow his computer screen. This assumes he’ll lecture with Chessbase and projector, of course.

  3. Excellent news on the Karpov book- I think this is the first Quality Chess book to be released ahead of schedule:-)

    If I came to the Avrukh seminars, would I be able to buy the Karpov books then in hardback? If so, would you take card payment, or just cash? Or would I need to order in advance, and collect when there?

  4. I’m really looking forward to the Karpov books.

    Paul: They have been delayed a few times. I think they are one year behind the original schedule.

  5. We won’t make this a web thing. But maybe sometime in the future something along those lines will be possible.

    Actually, we were planning on using a demoboard :-). This was worked quite well in the past…

    Yes, the Karpov books are six months late. But they are 1000+ pages, compared to the promised (and expected 600) pages. And the delay just means that we got another year in them…

  6. Just wondering whether the hardback editions of the Karpov books are available yet? If so, are they available from chess4less.com in the U.S. at this time?

  7. Jacob Aagaard

    They should be. There might be some days delay, as they have ordered a few more to accomodate demand.

  8. Wow! Wow! Wow! I ordered the books from chess4less.com on Mon. and received them Thurs. These two books are OUTSTANDING! Extraordinary quality of writing, analysis, and production. I’d urge everyone to order these books, especially the hardbacks if they can. All I can say is I AM PLEASED!

  9. P.S. – Should have added that I manage Technical Editors, so have a professional understanding of effort/quality involved.

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